Institutional Aid Appeal

Berklee College of Music, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, and Berklee NYC students who are experiencing extenuating financial circumstances can appeal for institutional need-based aid through the institutional aid appeals process. 

We encourage all domestic students to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)(Opens in a new window) and a CSS Profile(Opens in a new window), as it provides additional information for our committee to consider.

All domestic students with a completed FAFSA on file are eligible to submit an appeal to have their special or unique circumstances, such as loss of job or income, dependency override, and other factors considered for federal student aid. Students wishing to pursue a federal financial aid professional judgment review should follow this link to be directed to our partner Inceptia: in a new window)

International students are eligible to appeal and are encouraged to submit the CSS Profile.

Students who are already receiving Presidential or full-tuition scholarships are not eligible to receive institutional appeal funding as Berklee's institutional funding cannot exceed tuition charges.

By submitting an appeal, you agree that completing an appeal does not guarantee financial aid will be increased and any financial obligations remain due according to payment deadlines. Completing an appeal does not guarantee financial aid will be increased and financial obligations remain due according to payment deadlines. Waiting for an appeal result does not grant extended time to meet any financial obligations to the college, and failure to meet financial obligations may result in loss of housing assignments, your schedule, and your ability to enroll in the semester.

Institutional Aid Appeal Process

Students who would like to appeal for institutional funding should submit this form(Opens in a new window).

Berklee College of Music, Boston Conservatory at Berklee, and Berklee NYC students who appeal for institutional aid will have the following factors considered during the committee review:

  • Family financial need, as demonstrated by the FAFSA or CSS Profile
  • Any previous family borrowing history
  • Your current aid package
  • Academic performance
  • Semester in school (continuing students only)
  • Audition and interview results (entering students only)
  • Appeal letter
  • Any supporting documentation

Note that Berklee Online students are not eligible to appeal for institutional aid, but can submit an appeal through Inceptia(Opens in a new window) to have their special or unique circumstances considered for Federal Student Aid.

Every effort is made to assist students who demonstrate financial need and have utilized all available sources of funding. Please note that even with an approved appeal, the majority of students find it necessary to utilize other forms of funding to meet their costs, so you are encouraged to develop a sound financial plan that you can implement regardless of the outcome of your appeal.

Please note that you are still obligated to meet your costs by the appropriate deadlines regardless of the outcome of the appeal.

The Office of Student Financial Services is here to assist you as you explore your options to finance your Berklee education. You can contact us at via email at and by phone at 617-747-6777.


Connect with your
Berklee Bridge Team.

One Stop Advisor

Your One Stop advisor can help you take care of your registration, billing, and financial aid tasks.

International Advisor

Your international advisor can help international students with topics like OPT and visas, and connect you with the Study Abroad office.

Case Manager

Your case manager can support your well-being by helping you access appropriate treatments, find medical providers, and other resources.

Career Advisor

Your career advisor can jumpstart your career by helping you find and prepare for job, internship, and performance opportunities and auditions.

Campus Life Advisor

Your campus life advisor can help you find your community through clubs and activities.

Success Advisor

Your success advisor is your main point person at Berklee, who helps you map your path, stay on track, and graduate on time.

Every undergraduate student has a personalized support team to guide their educational journey throughout their time at Berklee. Your success advisor—your main point person at Berklee—collaborates with a group of specialized wellness, financial, accessibility, international, major, and career advisors who are all here to support your success.

Learn About the Berklee Bridge

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