Scholarship Terms, Conditions, and Renewability Guidelines

This policy pertains to Berklee College of Music undergraduate students who entered in the summer of 2019 and before. If you entered in the fall of 2019 or after, view the current policy.

All scholarships are valid only after the student has applied and been fully accepted to the college by the admissions board. Please note the following:

  1. Awards are only valid for undergraduate study at Berklee's Boston, Massachusetts, or Valencia, Spain, campus. 
  2. Awards may not be applied toward the graduate programs, Berklee Online programs, Berklee summer programs, or any other non-matriculating programs. 
  3. The award amount indicated will be divided equally between the student's first two semesters of full-time study, provided they are making satisfactory academic progress. The satisfactory academic progress requirements for a Berklee scholarship are to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and a cumulative credit completion percentage of 70 percent. Failure to meet either of these minimums will result in the loss of the award. Full-time study requires enrollment in a minimum of 12 credits each semester. Students enrolling in 11 credits or less will have their scholarships prorated.
  4. Scholarships are not valid if a student's total credits on file (credits attempted plus transfer credits plus credit by exam) exceed the following maximums:
    • Diploma program: 120 credits
    • Diploma double major: 150 credits
    • Degree program: 150 credits
    • Degree double major: 180 credits
  5. Students who have completed all graduation requirements for their course of study are no longer eligible to receive a Berklee scholarship. Institutional aid will only cover the program-specific required private lessons for a student's major.
  6. A change of principal instrument or failure to perform on the principal instrument will result in a review of the award decision and may result in the loss of eligibility for renewal of the award. 
  7. Berklee scholarship recipients will be required to provide services to the college, which may include participation in performances, ensembles, project bands, auditions accompaniment, and/or any other Berklee-related activity that is deemed appropriate.
  8. The award will be renewed for the student's third and fourth semesters of full-time study provided that:
    • they successfully complete their instrumental study requirements;
    • they maintain satisfactory progress in their program of study, including minimum credits earned each semester;
    • they are not on academic or disciplinary probation;
    • they maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 and a cumulative credit completion percentage of 70 percent;
    • they participate in designated activities as required and deemed appropriate by the college; and
    • they carry a minimum of 12 credits each semester.
  9. Enrolled students who take a leave of absence for two semesters or more will need to email before their return semester to request scholarship reinstatement. Students must be academically able to return and resume their studies within three years of starting their leave of absence to be eligible for scholarship reinstatement. Certain scholarships, such as division awards, one-time grants, and some named funds may not be eligible for renewal. All reinstated scholarships will fall under the post-fall 2019 scholarship policy. Students who are Thrive (login required) recipients should view their renewal policy.

Scholarship awards are based on the availability of funding, and some nonstandard awards may not be subject to renewal.

By accepting the financial reward of a Berklee scholarship, recipients agree to all terms and conditions expressed herein. 

Please feel free to contact the One Stop Student Services via phone at 617-747-6777 or email at with any questions.

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