Degree Completion Inquiry Confirmation

Thank you for submitting your ​alumni ​Degree Completion inquiry. We will contact you as soon as we have ​evaluated your transcript. We hope to get back to you within 4-6 weeks. Please note that each proposal is highly individualized and response​ time may vary. If you have been away from the college for more than 15 years, we will need to rebuild your transcript in our online system. If that is the case, ​please allow an additional 2-3 weeks of response time.

Please note that the email address you used on the form is what we will use for communication for the duration of your time in this program. 

Next Steps
You've taken the first step by completing the form. Here's what happens next:
  1. A degree completion advisor completes an initial assessment of your transcript.
  2. Your advisor confirms this assessment with your major department​ ​chair and​ ​the​ ​Office of the Registrar.
  3. Your advisor emails you with your​ ​degree completion​ ​options.

Connect with your
Berklee Bridge Team.

One Stop Advisor

Your One Stop advisor can help you take care of your registration, billing, and financial aid tasks.

International Advisor

Your international advisor can help international students with topics like OPT and visas, and connect you with the Study Abroad office.

Case Manager

Your case manager can support your well-being by helping you access appropriate treatments, find medical providers, and other resources.

Career Advisor

Your career advisor can jumpstart your career by helping you find and prepare for job, internship, and performance opportunities and auditions.

Campus Life Advisor

Your campus life advisor can help you find your community through clubs and activities.

Access Advisor

Your access advisor can help you with requesting class, housing, or dietary accommodations for a disability.

Success Advisor

Your success advisor is your main point person at Berklee, who helps you map your path, stay on track, and graduate on time.

Every undergraduate student has a personalized support team to guide their educational journey throughout their time at Berklee. Your success advisor—your main point person at Berklee—collaborates with a group of specialized wellness, financial, accessibility, international, major, and career advisors who are all here to support your success.

Learn About the Berklee Bridge

Current Students: Log in to connect with your Bridge team.