Online Course Equivalencies
Below you will find a list of course equivalencies offered through Berklee Online(Opens in a new window). Registration and billing for these courses are independent of those offered as part of your degree or diploma program. Scholarships and financial aid apply only to your primary enrollment and cannot be used for Berklee Online courses. Review Berklee Online's tuition and fees(Opens in a new window) for more information.
Additional Information About Berklee Online Courses
- Any course taken through Berklee Online that is not on the lists below will transfer in as a general elective only.
- Students must complete this form(Opens in a new window) to transfer their Berklee Online courses to their degree audit.
- Individual classes cannot be selected for transfer. This means all Berklee Online classes that a student has received a grade for will be transferred to their degree audit.
- All courses taken through Berklee Online will affect your GPA. Courses taken through Berklee Online are Berklee courses and cannot be removed from your transcript.
- For remote study options for major requirements other than those explained below, please speak with your major chair. Berklee Online courses other than those specifically listed below cannot count toward your major without prior approval from your major chair.
Liberal arts course equivalencies are for both Berklee College of Music and Boston Conservatory at Berklee. All other course equivalencies are for Berklee College of Music only. Please review the options below and contact the department chair if you have any questions:
- Counterpoint
- Contemporary Writing and Production
- Harmony
- Jazz Composition
- Liberal Arts
- MTEC-111 Introduction to Music Technology
- Music Business
- Music Production and Engineering
- Music Therapy
- Performance Major Electives
- Performance Studies
- Recording and Production for Musicians Minor
- Screen Scoring
- Songwriting
Counterpoint Course
There is currently no online course equivalency for CP-210 The Art of Counterpoint.
Contemporary Writing and Production (CWP)
CWP Courses
Berklee Online Course | CWP Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
OCOMP-491 Music Composition for Film and TV 2 | Major elective |
OCOMP-492 Interactive Scoring for Games | Advanced technology elective |
OCWPR-398 Composing and Producing Electronic Music 2 | Advanced technology elective |
OMBUS-381 Music Business Law for Artists | Major elective |
OMBUS-391 Creative Entrepreneurship | Major elective |
OMBUS-495 Music Supervision 1 | Major elective |
OMBUS-496 Music Licensing | Major elective |
OMPRD-205 Music Writing and Production with the iPad | PW-321 Music Writing and Production with the iPad (or advanced technology elective)* |
OMPRD-442 Audio Mastering Techniques | Advanced technology elective |
OMPRD-402 Creative Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for Music and Visuals | Advanced technology elective |
OSONG-430 Songwriting for Film and TV | Major elective |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Harmony Courses
Berklee Online Course | Harmony Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
OHARM-105 Music Application and Theory | PW-111 Music Application and Theory* |
OHARM-212 Harmony 2 | HR-112 Harmony 2* |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Jazz Composition
Jazz Composition Courses
Berklee Online Course | Jazz Composition Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
OHARM-412 Reharmonization Techniques | HR-325 Reharmonization Techniques* |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Liberal Arts
Liberal Arts Courses
Berklee Online Course | Liberal Arts Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
LENG-111/L-CM 1301 Introduction to College Writing NOTE: Students who are native English speakers, who have demonstrated English proficiency on Berklee's English Placement Test sufficient to enroll in LENG-111/L-CM 1301, or who have completed LENG-106/L-CM 1106 (ESL 3) may use this course to fulfill the LENG-111/L-CM 1301 requirement. | |
OLART-201 Creative Writing: Literature Studies for Musicians (Opens in a new window) | LENG-223/L-CM 1302 Literature topics NOTE: Students who have completed a 100-level English writing and composition course may use this to fulfill the LENG-223/L-CM 1302 English literature requirement. |
OLART-400 Career and Job Success in the Music Industry | LHUM-400 Professional Development Seminar NOTE: Students who are in semester six or above may register for this course. |
OLSOC-210 Music, Self, and Society | LMAS-223/L-CM 749xx Music and Society/Social Science NOTE: Students who have completed a 100-level English writing and composition course may use this course to fulfill their LMAS-223 music and society requirement or L-CM 749xx social science requirement. |
OLMSC-130 Applied Mathematics for Musicians | LMSC-130/L-CM 75912 Applications of Mathematics* |
OLMSC-215 Acoustics(Opens in a new window) | LMSC-209/L-CM 75912 Natural Science/Math NOTE: Students who have completed OLMSC-130/LMSC-130/L-CM 75912 or demonstrated proficiency on the online math placement exam may use this to fulfill the LMSC-xxx/L-CM 759xx math/science requirement. Students who take this course cannot get credit for LMSC-209. Students majoring in electronic production and design or music production and engineering may use this course to satisfy the acoustics requirement. Students will be required to complete additional proctored exams. |
OLMSC-250 Music and Neuroscience | LMSC-200/L-CM 759xx Natural Science/Math NOTE: Students who have completed OLMSC-130/LMSC-130/L-CM 75912 or demonstrated proficiency on the online math placement exam may use this to fulfill the LMSC-xxx/L-CM 759xx math/science requirement. |
OLSOC-226 New Media Economics: Music, Mobile, Gaming, and Online Economics or OLSOC-307 Music Cognition | LSOC-307/L-CM 749xx* OLSOC-307: Students who have completed a 100-level English writing and composition course and a general/introductory psychology course may use this to fulfill their LSOC-307/L-CM 749xx social science requirement or a liberal arts elective. Students will be required to complete an additional proctored exam and an essay for transfer to the Bachelor of Music degree. Students who take this course cannot receive credit for LSOC-307. |
OLART-231 Art History of the Western European Tradition(Opens in a new window) | (LVIS-223/ L-CM 739xx) Visual Studies/Arts & Humanities NOTE: Students who have completed a 100-level English writing and composition course may use this to fulfill the visual studies requirement (LVIS) or arts & humanities requirement (L-CM 739xx). Students who take this course cannot receive credit for LVIS-223/L-CM 73923 Art History Topics: Themes/Variations in Western Art. |
OLART-220 History of Film Music | MHIS-3XX Music History elective NOTE: Students who have completed a 100-level English writing and composition course and MHIS-20x may use this course to fulfill the music history elective requirement. Students who take this course cannot receive credit for MHIS-331. |
OLART-100 Developing Your Artistry(Opens in a new window) | Liberal Arts elective NOTE: Students in the Bachelor of Music program who are not required to take LHUM-100 or LENS may use this course as fulfillment of a liberal arts elective. Students who take this course cannot receive credit for LENS-XXX. |
OLSOC-150 The Language of Film and TV(Opens in a new window) | Liberal Arts elective NOTE: Students who have completed a 100-level English writing and composition course may use this course as fulfillment of a general liberal arts elective. Students are required to participate in the weekly discussion forum and contribute to 75 percent of the required discussion activities. Students who take this course cannot receive credit for LHUM-251. |
OLART-216 Creative Writing: Finding Your Voice(Opens in a new window) | Liberal Arts elective NOTE: Students who have completed a 100-level English writing and composition course may use this to fulfill a general liberal arts elective. |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
MTEC-111 Introduction to Music Technology
MTEC-111 Course
Berklee Online Course | Berklee College of Music Requirement |
OLMSC-101 Music Production 101
| MTEC-111 Introduction to Music Technology NOTE: This course may be used to fulfill the MTEC-111 requirement. |
Music Business/Management
Music Business Courses
For Berklee College of Music students on the Boston campus only: In order for any Berklee Online music business course equivalent to properly fulfill an on-campus degree requirement, students must complete all BCM prerequisites listed below before enrolling in the BOL course. Please speak with the department chair should you have any questions.
Berklee Online Course | Music Business Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
O(Opens in a new window)MBUS-391 Creative Entrepreneurship | PM-340 The Artist Entrepreneur (major elective for music business majors only) NOTE: This substitution is not available for professional music majors, for whom PM-340 is a required class. Music business majors who take OMBUS-391 cannot also receive major elective credit for PM-340. |
OLSOC-200 Business Communications(Opens in a new window) | MB-287 Business Communication (major elective)* NOTE: Students can register for this course as a music business/management major elective. |
OMBUS-110 Music Business 101(Opens in a new window) | MB-101 Introduction to the Music Business (general elective only)* NOTE: MB-101 is not part of the music business/management major. It is a general elective and open to all students. |
OMBUS-360 Music Business Leadership and Ethics | MB-301 Business Leadership and Ethics (major requirement)* NOTE: Students can register for this course if they have fulfilled the necessary prerequisites. |
OMBUS-381 Music Business Law for Artists | MB-211 Legal Aspects of the Music Industry (major requirement)* NOTE: Students can register for this course if they have fulfilled the necessary prerequisites. |
OMBUS-385 Copyright Law(Opens in a new window) | MB-311 Copyright Law (major elective)* NOTE: Students can register for this course if they have fulfilled the necessary prerequisites. |
OMBUS-475 Music Business Finance | MB-395 Business Finance (major requirement)* NOTE: Students can register for this course if they have fulfilled the necessary prerequisites. |
OMBUS-496 Music Licensing(Opens in a new window) | MB-415 International Music Licensing (major elective)* NOTE: Students can register for this course if they have fulfilled the necessary prerequisites. |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Music Production and Engineering (MP&E)
MP&E Courses
Berklee Online Course | MP&E Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
OLMSC-215 Acoustics | LMSC-209 Architectural Acoustics (prerequisite course for major)* |
OMPRD-160 Music Production Analysis | MP-215 Production Analysis Lab (major requirement)* |
OMPRD-162 Critical Listening 1 | MP-214 Critical Listening Lab (major requirement)* |
OMPRD-221 Pro Tools 110 | MP-113 Accelerated Pro Tools (general elective)* |
OMPRD-498 Music Production Capstone | IR-462 Record Production Capstone (major requirement)* NOTE: This course requires special permission from Berklee Online for registration. Please contact in a new window). |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Music Therapy
Music Therapy Courses
Berklee Online Course | Music Therapy Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
OMUTH-105 Music Therapy Techniques for Wellness | Major elective |
OMUTH-201 Music Therapy Principles | MTH-201 Introduction to Music Therapy* |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Performance Major Electives
Performance Major Electives
Berklee Online Course | Berklee College of Music Course Requirement |
OMPRD-180 Pro Tools 101 (Opens in a new window) | SW-161 DAW for Songwriters: Pro Tools* |
OMPRD-278 Ableton Live Fundamentals(Opens in a new window) | SW-181 DAW for Songwriters: Ableton Live* |
OSONG-150 Music Production Fundamentals for Songwriters(Opens in a new window) | SW-191 DAW for Songwriters: Logic Pro X* |
OMBUS-110 Music Business 101(Opens in a new window) | MB-101 Introduction to the Music Business* |
OMBUS-381 Music Business Law for Artists(Opens in a new window) | MB-211 Legal Aspects of the Music Industry* |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Performance Studies
The following three credit performance study courses will transfer to Berklee College of Music as one instrumental lab (ILxx) credit and two general elective credits.
Lab Options: All Instruments
Berklee Online Course | Berklee College of Music Course Requirement |
OPERF-312 Gary Burton: Jazz Improvisation | ILXX-XXX (any instrumental lab) NOTE: This course may be used to fulfill an instrumental lab credit for all instruments. |
Lab Options: Bass
These courses may be used to fulfill an instrumental lab requirement for bass principals in the Bachelor of Music program.
OBASS-231 Rock Bass(Opens in a new window) |
OBASS-234 Slap Bass(Opens in a new window) |
OBASS-332 Jazz Bass(Opens in a new window) |
OBASS-333 R&B Bass(Opens in a new window) |
Lab Options: Guitar
These courses may be used to fulfill an instrumental lab requirement for guitar principals in the Bachelor of Music program:
The following courses may be used by non-guitar principals as an equivalent to ILGT-115 Guitar Performance Skills for the Non-Guitar Principal:
OGUIT-105 Guitar Fundamentals(Opens in a new window) |
The following course equivalencies for non-guitar principals as an equivalent to ILGT-115 Guitar Performance Skills for the Non-Guitar Principal are no longer available starting in fall 2024. These course equivalencies will be honored through August 2024 only:
Lab Options: Percussion
These courses may be used to fulfill an instrumental lab requirement for percussion principals in the Bachelor of Music program.
OPERC-160 Drum Set Performance 101(Opens in a new window) |
OPERC-261 Rock Drums(Opens in a new window) |
OPERC-263 Funk R&B Drums(Opens in a new window) |
OPERC-324 Afro-Cuban Drums |
Lab Options: Piano
These courses may be used to fulfill an instrumental lab requirement for piano principals in the Bachelor of Music program.
OPIAN-220 Blues and Rock Keyboard Techniques(Opens in a new window) |
OPIAN-230 Pop/Rock Keyboard(Opens in a new window) |
OPIAN-315 Jazz Piano(Opens in a new window) |
Lab Options: Voice
These courses may be used to fulfill an instrumental lab requirement for voice principals in the Bachelor of Music program.
OVOIC-241 Pop and Rock Vocals(Opens in a new window) |
OVOIC-242 Jazz Singing 101(Opens in a new window) |
OVOIC-243 R&B Vocals(Opens in a new window) |
Recording and Production for Musicians Minor
Recording and Production Course Electives
OMPRD-160 Music Production Analysis(Opens in a new window) This may be used as fulfillment of the MP-115 Production Analysis Lab for Musicians requirement within the recording and production for musicians minor. |
OMPRD-162 Critical Listening 1(Opens in a new window) This may be used as fulfillment of the MP-114 Critical Listening Lab for Musicians requirement within the recording and production for musicians minor. |
Engineering Course Electives
These courses may be used as fulfillment of an engineering course elective within the recording and production for musicians minor.
Production Course Electives
These courses may be used as fulfillment of a production course elective within the recording and production for musicians minor.
OMPRD-389 Audio Post-Production for Film and TV(Opens in a new window) |
OMPRD-475 Creative Music Production Skills(Opens in a new window) |
Screen Scoring
Screen Scoring Courses
Berklee Online Course | Screen Scoring Course Equivalent and/or Requirement |
OCOMP-485 Contemporary Techniques in Music Composition 2 | FS-351 Post-Romantic Scoring* |
OCOMP-490 Music Composition for Film and TV 1 | FS-241 Dramatic Scoring 1* |
OCOMP-493 World Music Composition Styles | FS-433 Stylistic Adaptations* |
OCOMP-495 Music Composition for Film, TV, and Games Capstone | FS-487 Senior Seminar and Portfolio* NOTE: This course requires special permission from Berklee Online for registration. Please contact in a new window). |
OCWPR-366 Orchestration 2: Writing Techniques for Full Orchestra | FS-340 Dramatic Orchestration* |
OCWPR-385 Writing and Producing Advertising Music | Major elective |
OHARM-412 Reharmonization Techniques | Major elective |
OLSOC-150 The Language of Film and TV | Major elective |
OSONG-430 Songwriting for Film and TV | Major elective |
* Students cannot receive credit for both the on-campus course and its online equivalent.
Songwriting Courses
The following songwriting major course equivalencies are no longer available starting in fall 2024. These course equivalencies will be honored through August 2024 only.
Berklee chairs/deans: please contact Jaime Bernard in the Office of the Registrar if you have any updates for this page.