Registration Guide
This guide provides instructions and information about general registration procedures, planning your schedule, understanding My Progress, and where to go for help.
Summer/Fall 2025 Registration
Summer/Fall 2025 registration period begins on April 7, 2025.
Students not currently enrolled at Berklee but intending to return for the summer or fall 2025 semester must complete the Returning Student Intent Form to be eligible for registration.
The deadline to submit the Returning Student Intent Form is May 16, 2025, for the summer semester, and August 15, 2025, for the fall semester.
Before You Register
- Confirm your assigned online registration date and time starting March 28, 2025. You can find it on the Registration Profile screen in your account. View instructions(Opens in a new window).
- Clear your restrictions listed on the Registration Profile screen in your account. View instructions(Opens in a new window). If you have active restrictions, you will not be eligible to register for courses until restrictions are cleared.
- Review your major grid, know what courses you need to take, review course descriptions and prerequisites, and consult with a student success advisor and/or major department.
Preparing for Registration
MyBerklee Registration Videos
Watch these four short videos that will guide you through creating your plan, registering for classes, and double-checking the preference settings on your computer.
Getting Started in MyBerklee(Opens in a new window)
This video explains browser and system recommendations, logging in to MyBerklee, and various other user examples for students.
Planning and Registering for Courses in MyBerklee(Opens in a new window)
This video is a complete end-to-end tutorial for navigating the registration and planning process.
Planning Your Schedule in MyBerklee(Opens in a new window)
This video explains how to create a planned schedule.
Registering in MyBerklee(Opens in a new window)
This video explains how to register from a planned schedule.
Planning and Registering : Step-by-Step Directions
- How to Log in to Your MyBerklee Account(Opens in a new window)
- How to View Your Registration Day and Time(Opens in a new window)
- How to View Available Courses(Opens in a new window)
- How to Create Your Planned Schedule(Opens in a new window)
- How to Filter and Register for Private Instruction(Opens in a new window)
- How to Remove Courses from Your Planned Schedule(Opens in a new window)
- How to Register Your Courses from Your Planned Schedule(Opens in a new window)
Clearing Registration Restrictions
Check to view any restrictions on your account that would prevent you from registering. View instructions(Opens in a new window).
Each semester, all students must complete the Student Acknowledgement of Financial and Other Obligation Forms (SAFO). View instructions(Opens in a new window) on how to clear your SAFO restriction.
All possible restrictions and how to clear them are listed here:
Restriction | Office | How to Clear the Restriction |
Missing proof of high school graduation | Admissions | Email |
Missing transfer release | Admissions | Email |
SAAC restriction | Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Complete the required online courses(Opens in a new window). Students will receive an invitation to complete these courses closer to the start of the semester. Contact in a new window) if you have any questions. |
HWH (Health and Wellness Hold)
| Case Management | Please email in a new window). |
Missing immunization(s) | Health & Wellness | Log in to and click the Magnus Health icon to submit your remaining immunization requirement documentation. Email if you have any questions. |
Balance due | One Stop Student Services | Pay your balance. Contact if you have any questions. |
Student Success restriction: Second semester success | Student Success | Email Student Success at |
Student Success restriction: Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) | Student Success | Email Student Success at |
Community Standards | Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion | Contact Community Standards and Conflict Resolution at |
Information for:
First-Semester Students
Use Your First-Semester Support Team
Your assigned student success advisor and student academic mentor (SAM) can help you prepare for and answer your questions about all aspects of the registration process.
- Connect with a SAM: Use this link to meet with a SAM.
- Connect with your assigned student success advisor: Schedule an appointment or attend drop-in advising hours to meet with an available student success advisor.
Explore Your Prospective Major
- Take a look at the major grids to understand when you should take each of the required courses for your prospective major.
- You may wish to register for a major introductory course. Explore suggested introductory courses for each major.
Investigate Course Offerings
Read course descriptions and required prerequisites, and search the list of courses open to all students.
Undeclared Majors
If You Know Which Major You Want to Declare
All students are required to declare a major field of study by their third-semester credit standing. Each program has specific guidelines for declaring a major, so it is critical that all entrance requirements have been met before submitting a declaration of major form. For more information, including requirements and declaration deadlines by major, see the Declaring a Major/Minor page.
To stay on track for graduation, it is strongly advised that after meeting the department entrance requirements, you submit the Change or Declaration of Major Form(Opens in a new window) at least two weeks before your assigned online registration time during your second semester if you want to register for courses in your new major. For any given semester, students have until the start of the check-in period, as outlined in the academic calendar, for any changes to be eligible for that semester; otherwise, the requested changes will go into effect the following semester.
If your major declaration has been approved by the department chair, you will be notified by the Office of the Registrar via your email. Please allow five to seven business days for your student record to be updated. There may be a delay in processing requests of up to 14 business days during peak times, between semesters, and during the registration period due to increased volume.
If You’re Not Sure of Which Major You Want to Declare
If you are in third-semester standing or above and have not yet declared your major, meet with your student success advisor to review your plans and confirm your path toward graduation.
Declared Majors
Check My Progress to review your remaining academic requirements. View instructions(Opens in a new window) on how to navigate My Progress. To learn about major-specific courses, students are urged to meet with their major chair or success advisor.
If you have questions related to My Progress, please meet with your student success advisor.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are registration times determined?
The order of seniority for registration times starts with students with a semester level of 10 (based upon completed number of credits) and proceeds in descending order. Registration times are not assigned on weekends or holidays.
How to View Your Registration Time(Opens in a new window)
Per Berklee's policy, it is not possible to change students' registration times.
I'm an entering student. How do I register?
Entering students do not register for their first semester; they will be automatically placed in the appropriate classes and receive their schedules at the end of orientation week.
I completed the General Math and/or Logarithms exams, but I'm still unable to register for certain classes. What should I do?
Scores typically appear in your account one to three business days after you have completed the exam. If you do not see your scores after the third business day has passed, contact the Liberal Arts Department (
You must wait until your exam scores appear on before you can register for courses that require the exam(s) as a prerequisite.
What should I do if a course section I want is closed?
Please select an alternative section or register for a different course.
If these options do not exist, contact the course chair to request a population waiver. If a waiver is granted, you will be eligible to register for the course.
Why can't I register for my planned courses?
In some cases, a course section may close before a student's registration time opens. You should select alternative backup sections for courses on your planned schedule.
You should also refresh your planned schedule in the days leading up to your registration time to reflect accurate seat availability.
Why can't I delete/edit my planned courses?
Your Mac laptop Language and Region setting in System Preferences should be set to the English language in the United States region.
Only use Google Chrome or FireFox as your web browsers when accessing your account.
How to Remove Courses from Your Planned Schedule(Opens in a new window)
Will I earn credits if I retake a course?
Certain courses are designated as repeatable for credit. These include most instrumental labs, ensembles, non-leveled private instruction, non-leveled ensembles, dance and somatic technique courses, independent study, directed study, special topics courses, and internships. A grade earned in a course that is repeatable for credit cannot be replaced by a grade from a later retaking of the course. All attempted and earned credits in these repeatable courses are factored into the student’s grade point average and satisfactory academic progress.
Retaking Courses
Students may enroll in non-repeatable courses for a second or subsequent time. The following rules apply:
- Only the most recent grade in a retaken course will be computed into the cumulative grade point average and the major cumulative grade point average;
- Only the most recent grade in a retaken course will count as completed credit for satisfactory academic progress (SAP);
- All retakes of a course will count as attempted credit;
- The grades for all retaken courses will be shown on the student’s transcript; and
- Only the most recent grade in the retaken course and credits for the retaken course may count toward satisfying any graduation requirements, including the total credits required for graduation.
Certain majors may have additional limitations on which courses, or how many courses, may be retaken. Students are strongly advised to contact the appropriate department chair or program director for further information before repeating any course.
Can I audit a course?
Students are not permitted to audit any course within the curriculum.
How long does it take to process my transfer credits?
Once Berklee receives your official transcript, it may take five to seven business days for your transfer credits to appear in your account.
During peak times, between semesters and during the registration period, it may take up to 10 business days to process transfer credits due to the increase in volume. Please read the Transfer Credit Services Guide for transfer instructions and more information.
Are there additional fees to take more than the maximum credit load in a semester?
Yes. You will be charged per credit if you exceed the maximum credit load in a semester (16 credits for degree students and 13 credits for diploma students). The per-credit fee is listed under Tuition by Semester on the Tuition and Related Costs page.
Find descriptions, prerequisites, and course chair information in our course catalog.
How do I register for a course if I have not completed the prerequisites?
Students may request a prerequisite waiver from the appropriate course chairs.
Receiving a prerequisite waiver does not waive the course or credit requirements. Students are responsible for completing both.
My department chair has waived the course prerequisite. How do I register for the course?
Log into and register for the course after the course chair has waived the course prerequisite.
My department chair has waived the course prerequisite, but the course section is full. What should I do?
A population waiver must be requested in addition to the prerequisite waiver.
How do I register for corequisite courses?
Select and register for both courses at the same time. Otherwise, the system will generate an error message.
Private Instruction and Ensembles
You will register for ensembles and private instruction each semester until you have completed all requirements for your major.
Why can't I register for 50-minute private instruction?
Students must be in their first or second semester to be eligible to register for 50-minute private instruction.
Beginning in the third semester, students are no longer eligible to register for 50-minute private instruction. Please review additional private instruction information.
How to Filter and Register for Private Instruction(Opens in a new window)
How do I register for private instruction with a secondary instrument?
Contact the department chair of your secondary instrument to request a waiver. You can add the private instruction to your schedule after the chair of your secondary instrument enters the waiver into the system.
Why can’t I add a second ensemble?
Students may only register for one ensemble during the official registration period. Students may add an additional ensemble after the official registration period has ended.
How do I register for an audition-only ensemble?
Contact the instructor to ask for instructions regarding the audition and registration process for their ensemble.
Can I register for an ensemble that requires a higher rating than what I have?
You must receive approval from the department chair if your ratings do not meet the requirements to register for the ensemble.