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Emergency management at Berklee involves a comphrehensive program that allows us to better prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of an emergency or disaster. This website is designed to act as a reference to be used before and during an emergency on or around campus.
Promoting campus safety and emergency preparedness is our primary goal and a responsibility we share with students, faculty, and staff. Are you interested in what you can do to help? See below or contact Berklee's emergency manager, Andrew Murphy, at or 617-747-6825.
Facilitated Trainings
Our emergency management team can facilitate a training for you or your team for the following:
Berklee's Emergency Response Guide contains instructions to assist members of the community in responding to a variety of emergencies that may affect the campus.
Although the Berklee campus is safe, crime can happen anywhere and safety can be compromised at any time. The cooperation and involvement of students, faculty, and staff in their own safety and security is crucial to maintaining a safe campus environment. Although no one set of guidelines can completely protect you, following the tips below can minimize your chances of being victimized. You should always trust your own instincts and follow the rules of common sense, in addition to following these tips.
Residence Hall and Apartment Security
Never prop a door open, as this could allow an unauthorized person to enter.
Always lock your room, even if you’ll only be gone for a short time. Never leave money, jewelry, or other valuables out in the open, even if you are present.
Get to know others around you, and watch out for each other. Report any suspicious persons to the Public Safety Department.
Do not leave notes stating where, when, or how long you will be gone.
Close your drapes and blinds at night, especially if your windows are on ground level.
Always ask who is at the door before you open it.
Notify the building management or Public Safety if there are maintenance or lighting deficiencies that may compromise security.
While You Are Out and About
Communicate nonverbal cues (body language) that you are calm, confident, and know where you are.
Stay in well-lighted, busy areas.
When using public transportation, use a busy, well-lit bus stop, sit near the driver, and don’t sleep.
Don’t be afraid to tell someone who is harassing you to leave you alone in a firm, loud voice.
Trust your instincts—if something or someone makes you uneasy, get out or away.
Walk or jog with a companion.
Keep your car locked at all times.
Avoid flashing cash or valuables.
Have your key prepared in hand as you approach your car, dorm, or apartment.
Call the Public Safety Department for a personal safety escort if you feel concerned for your safety while on or near campus.
Rape and Sexual Assault Prevention
Unfortunately, rape and sexual assault are realities in our society. Berklee takes pride in its commitment to maintaining and promoting the safety and security of all members of the college community. Here are some facts about rape and sexual assault you should know:
No means no. No one deserves or asks to be raped or assaulted.
Rape is an act of violence and power. It is not motivated by sexual desire but by the desire to overpower and dominate. Sex is the weapon.
Rape is always the perpetrator’s fault and never the victim’s fault.
A rape occurs in the U.S. every six minutes.
Sixty to 80 percent of all rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.
Rape occurs among all classes, races, and age groups. No one is immune.
Every year, one out of every four women on a college campus is raped.
One out of three women will be raped in their lifetime.
Half of all rapes occur during the day.
Rape happens in a woman’s place of residence in more than half of all cases.
One out of every five boys is sexually assaulted by age 18.
Online Social Networking
The internet has opened up a whole new world of communication, resources, and information. It has also created an entirely new social arena. While social networking sites allow us to communicate with others in a new way, there are risks. When social barriers are removed, it can be easy to let your guard down.
Despite what you might think, you really do not know the person on the other side of the computer. Use common sense and limit what you disclose. Never share your full name, social security number, phone number, address, or credit or bank account numbers. Also, think about the nature of the information you share. Will you be comfortable with family members, future employers, or school admissions officials seeing the information and photos you are posting? Information posted online should be considered permanent. The following are safety precautions to follow:
Carefully consider your screen name, and don't pick anything that could identify you.
Do not post photos or videos of you or your friends.
Do not accept files or downloads from people you don't know.
Be wary of online friends who want to meet in person.
Limit your online list of friends to people you actually know.
Consider password-protecting or limiting access to your social networking page or account.
Before participating in social networking, review the safety and privacy policies.
Report any problems to the webmaster, moderator, or, if needed, local police.
See Something, Say Something
If you see something suspicious or out of the ordinary on campus, don't hesitate to reach out to the Berklee Public Safety (617-747-8888), or if it's an emergency, contact Boston police (617-343-4911 or 911). You may also utilize the blue light emergency call boxes located throughout the campus. For more information, visit the Department of Homeland Security(Opens in a new window).