Staying Safe and Preparing for Emergencies

Emergency management at Berklee involves a comphrehensive program that allows us to better prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of an emergency or disaster. This website is designed to act as a reference to be used before and during an emergency on or around campus.

Promoting campus safety and emergency preparedness is our primary goal and a responsibility we share with students, faculty, and staff. Are you interested in what you can do to help? See below or contact Berklee's emergency manager, Andrew Murphy, at or 617-747-6825.

Facilitated Trainings

Our emergency management team can facilitate a training for you or your team for the following:

  • Armed Intruder Shooter Response
  • Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)
  • CPR/First Aid

Learn More

Self-Paced Emergency Response Guide

Berklee's Emergency Response Guide contains instructions to assist members of the community in responding to a variety of emergencies that may affect the campus. 

This guide covers topics including the following:

  • Armed Intruder
  • Bomb Threat
  • Evacuation and Shelter in Place
  • Fire Safety
  • Natural Disasters
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Utility Disruptions

Read the Guide

Rave Guardian Mobile App

Logo for the Rave Guardian app

Download the Rave Guardian app for iOS(Opens in a new window) and Android(Opens in a new window) devices.

Features include:

  • real-time text communication with Berklee police;
  • a virtual safety escort; and
  • a panic button.

Learn more about the app. 

Safety Tips

Although the Berklee campus is safe, crime can happen anywhere and safety can be compromised at any time. The cooperation and involvement of students, faculty, and staff in their own safety and security is crucial to maintaining a safe campus environment. Although no one set of guidelines can completely protect you, following the tips below can minimize your chances of being victimized. You should always trust your own instincts and follow the rules of common sense, in addition to following these tips.

See Something, Say Something

If you see something suspicious or out of the ordinary on campus, don't hesitate to reach out to the Berklee Public Safety (617-747-8888), or if it's an emergency, contact Boston police (617-343-4911 or 911). You may also utilize the blue light emergency call boxes located throughout the campus. For more information, visit the Department of Homeland Security(Opens in a new window).