Medical Care for Students

Enrolled students seeking treatment for minor injuries and illnesses, or needing advice about what level of care to seek, can meet with a nurse at 135 Massachusetts Avenue, second floor, Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5;00 p.m. Call 617-747-2019 if you are not sure where to go first.

Students, faculty, and staff experiencing a medical emergency should either call Public Safety at 617-747-8888 (extension 8888 if on campus) or 911 from any location.

For information about sexual-assault exams, please go to the "Where can I get a sexual assault exam?" drop-down.

Berklee's Student Health Center at 135 Massachusetts Avenue

Berklee has a brand new Student Health Center located at 135 Massachusetts Avenue. With the launch of this center, enrolled students can now get treated for minor injuries and illnesses by a nurse directly on campus. The Student Health Center also offers massage therapy and physical therapy, all at one central location and at no cost to you as a Berklee student.

Nurse’s Office

The nurse’s office offers walk-in support for:

  • basic first aid and treatment for minor injuries and illnesses;
  • health and medical concerns and questions; and
  • referrals to more urgent or specialized care.

The nurse’s office is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No appointment needed.

The nurse can also advise you over the phone (617-747-2019) about whether you need immediate medical care, what type of provider you need, and where to go. Berklee’s nurse’s office is staffed by Tufts Medical Center.

Tufts Medical Center and the Collegiate Clinic for Wellness

Tufts Medical Center is the preferred medical center for currently enrolled Berklee College of Music and Boston Conservatory at Berklee students. Tufts Medical Center is a major academic medical center with its main campus located in the heart of downtown Boston. It provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care for both adults and children. Tufts Medical Center has pioneered innovative programs in clinical care, biomedical research, education, and health delivery for more than 220 years.

Additional services are available through Tufts Medical Center's Collegiate Clinic for Wellness, including same-day/next-day urgent care visits, and their goal is to provide the highest level of quality care for all of our student's needs. Berklee is committed to ensuring ease of access to medical care to reduce barriers to quality care.

Students who are currently enrolled can contact Tufts Medical Center's dedicated student line at 617-636-6006(Opens in a new window) to schedule an appointment in the Collegiate Clinic for Wellness (CCW) or to request more information. The phone line's hours of operation are Monday–Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There is no charge and no copay for visits to the CCW. Lab work, imaging studies, and appointments with other providers at TMC outside of the CCW will be charged to insurance. All major insurances are accepted, including the Berklee-sponsored health insurance plan(Opens in a new window).


Because locations vary depending on the type of visit, students will be informed of the location when calling for an appointment. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, please call during business hours or visit online(Opens in a new window) anytime. Interpreter services are available.

Although Berklee has a relationship with Tufts Medical Center, students are welcome to pursue medical services at any location. Boston offers world-class healthcare and has a wide range of medical services available. Some of those locations are listed below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Healthcare Near Campus

Use the Google map below to explore the locations of different urgent care, emergency rooms, and more near Berklee's Boston campus. On the top left corner of the map, there is a button that will expand the options to choose from.

Connect with your
Berklee Bridge Team.

One Stop Advisor

Your One Stop advisor can help you take care of your registration, billing, and financial aid tasks.

International Advisor

Your international advisor can help international students with topics like OPT and visas, and connect you with the Study Abroad office.

Case Manager

Your case manager can support your well-being by helping you access appropriate treatments, find medical providers, and other resources.

Career Advisor

Your career advisor can jumpstart your career by helping you find and prepare for job, internship, and performance opportunities and auditions.

Campus Life Advisor

Your campus life advisor can help you find your community through clubs and activities.

Access Advisor

Your access advisor can help you with requesting class, housing, or dietary accommodations for a disability.

Success Advisor

Your success advisor is your main point person at Berklee, who helps you map your path, stay on track, and graduate on time.

Every undergraduate student has a personalized support team to guide their educational journey throughout their time at Berklee. Your success advisor—your main point person at Berklee—collaborates with a group of specialized wellness, financial, accessibility, international, major, and career advisors who are all here to support your success.

Learn About the Berklee Bridge

Current Students: Log in to connect with your Bridge team.