Meet Berklee's Survivor Advocate

Katy Yarbrough serves as Berklee’s survivor advocate. Students are welcome to book an appointment using her online calendar(Opens in a new window). Students, faculty, and staff can also reach out to her directly by phone 617-747-6640 or email at
She graduated with her Bachelor of Arts from Biola University and has been working in victim services for eight years. After graduating from Biola, she worked at the Riverside District Attorney’s Office as a victim service specialist for five years, and she is a certified sexual assault/domestic violence counselor advocate. During her time at the District Attorney’s Office, she was in a variety of units, including domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse, and crime prevention, and served as a K9 handler. Most recently, Yarbrough worked at the University of California, Riverside, supporting survivors of sexual violence and developing empowerment and healing programs for survivors. She is looking forward to continuing her passion for advocacy and healing.