Getting Started
Moving to a place off campus, especially for the first time, can be difficult to navigate alone. We can help you understand the process by guiding you through the four steps for successfully moving off campus.
Step 1: Identify Your Needs
Before looking for a place to live off campus, it's important that you take the time to think critically about what you're looking for. It will help you narrow down places as you search, and it will guarantee that you find a place that fits all of your needs. You'll also want to make sure you have a general idea of what it means to rent in Boston.
View the recording of our most recent off-campus housing webinar, Navigating Your Off-Campus Experience, here(Opens in a new window).
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- Off-Campus Housing 101:(Opens in a new window) Check out a recording of a previously hosted webinar covering all of our off campus housing resources in depth.
- Boston Neighborhoods(Opens in a new window): One factor you will want to consider is what neighborhood(s) you may want to live in. The City of Boston maintains this page, which covers information on all the neighborhoods in the city.
- Renting in Boston(Opens in a new window): If this is going to be your first time renting in Boston, this page provides a great overview of commonly used terms, how to get assistance for a wide variety of issues, and how to be a good neighbor.
Step 2: Start Your Search
Once you have a good sense of what you're looking for, it's time to start searching and then select an off-campus housing option.
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- Berklee's Off-Campus Site: This site allows you to search listings from reputable realtors, look for roommates, and more.
Step 3: Before You Sign a Lease
Once you've found a place to live, there are a few steps you need to take care of before your move-in day.
- Understand your Lease: Make sure you have fully read through and understand your lease before signing. Your lease should contain the following:
- The amount of rent and security deposit
- The term of the lease, or the amount of time the lease is for
- Your obligation for utilities
- Whether or not a guarantor or cosigner is required
- Do a Walkthrough: Before you sign a lease, do a thorough walkthrough of your living space where you'll take note of any preexisting issues so that you aren't held liable for them upon moving out. Check the following:
- Make sure that all things like the burners on the stove and light fixtures are properly working.
- Make notes of the quality of things such as flooring and carpet, any provided furnture, etc. Take pictures if necessary.
- If your landlord needs to fix anything, get it in writing.
Step 4: Moving in and Beyond
Now that you've found a place to live off campus and signed your lease, here are some tips for move-in day and beyond:
- Moving in: Make sure you plan ahead for your move-in day to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible.
- One of the busiest move-in days in Boston is September 1. If your move-in day is around this date, consider moving in earlier or later if possible.
- If you require a moving van, reserve one far in advance.
- Read the Boston Trash and Recycling Day (Opens in a new window)guide to avoid any fines.
- What's Next?: Remember that most on-campus services are still available to you as an off-campus student and that you should still utilize them when needed.
- Frequently Asked Questions: Check out the questions most asked by students both before and after they move off campus.
- Off-Campus Housing Resources: Our Living off Campus page has a number of resources to help you troubleshoot problems, from where to get legal advice to how to report landlord issues or discrimination. You can also reach out to us at at any time.