Intake, Support, and Advising

Whenever Berklee receives a report of a potential equity or Title IX violation, a member of this team will reach out to the person reporting, inviting participation in an intake meeting. During this meeting, the person reporting can provide more information, ask questions, learn about options, and request resources. Based on the report and information in the intake meeting, the chief equity officer/Title IX coordinator determines the most appropriate response and next steps. 

All reporting and responding parties have the same rights to support measures and advising during any equity process. This team, assigned to individual cases and parties, ensures that those participating in an equity process understand their rights and options. Additionally, these team members work to support individual parties in an equity process by administering support resources and, as requested, serving as advisors of choice in an equity or Title IX process

The deputy for equity administration, intake, and support is responsible for assigning and monitoring team members who serve as intake officers and advisors of choice.

Deputy for Equity and Title IX Intake and Support

Amanda Bedford

Boston Extended Intake Team Members (also see Equity Leadership Team Valencia

  • Jeff Klug, Associate Dean (Student Health and Wellness)
  • Lee Denton-Smith, Manager of Summer Programs for Student Affairs (Division of Student Affairs, Diversity, and Inclusion)
  • Rosemary Dowling, Director of Campus Life (Center for Campus Life)