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The Equity and Title IX Policies and Processes also apply to Berklee's campus in Valencia, Spain, supported by a team of representatives in Spain, led by Berklee's assistant vice president of equity and Title IX/Title IX coordinator.
The Equity and Title IX Policies and Processes prohibit acts of identity-based discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, sexual assault or harassment, domestic/dating violence, and stalking. Such acts undermine Berklee’s community values and are strictly prohibited. These policies and the institution’s commitment to fostering a safe, supportive, and diverse climate are a fundamental part of a Berklee community where all can study, live, and work together in an environment of equal opportunity, inclusiveness, and mutual respect.
Equity and Title IX Policies and Processes apply to all students, staff, and faculty at the Valencia campus. If you have experienced or witnessed an incident that may violate the Equity and Title IX Policies, you can report it to Berklee, local law enforcement, both or neither.
All community members are encouraged to contact the Equity Office to report any instances of potential violations of the Equity and Title IX Policies and receive additional information, resolution options, and supportive measures.
Reporting to the Equity Office does not obligate any community member to participate in an investigation under the Equity and Title IX Policies.
You may use the below link to access our online form to submit a report to the Equity Office.
Note: You may use this form to report anonymously by not providing any identifying information in the form. Please note that Berklee may be limited in options of addressing the behavior reported anonymously.
You may also use the below link to schedule an appointment. Please be advised that the appointment will take place in Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Responsible Employee Policy for Berklee Valencia Employees
Berklee’s Responsible Employee Policy also applies to faculty and staff at the Valencia campus. All Berklee Valencia employees are required to report any incident that may violate the Equity and Interim Title IX Policies to the Equity Office within 24 hours of the disclosure.
In addition to emailing or calling Equity to report an alleged incident per the Responsible Employee Policy, employees may also report by submitting an online report to the Equity Office. When filing out the online report form, employees are required to identify themselves and provide their contact information in the form.
Valencia Equity Leadership Team
Assistant Vice President of Equity and Title IX/Title IX Coordinator
For medical care, including for pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, injury documentation, or a sexual assault nurse exam and evidence collection, you may seek care at the following hospital:
Hospital Casa de la Salud Avenida Manuel Candela, 41, 46021 Valencia +34 963 897 700
Additionally, the below support resources are also available to students:
Survivor advocacy services are a confidential resource available to students who have experienced sexual and/or relationship violence (including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and/or sexual harassment). Regardless of where or when these incidents occurred, support is available. The survivor advocate may also provide support to friends and loved ones of those who have experienced sexual or relationship violence. You can make an appointment with Katy using her online calendar tool.(Opens in a new window)
Pathways to Safety(Opens in a new window) Pathways to Safety provides resources for Americans who are outside of the United States and have experienced sexual or dating/domestic violence.
Employee Resources:
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)(Opens in a new window) Hub is a prepaid and confidential benefit that provides referrals for life services as well as counseling services to Berklee employees and their household members. Log on to their website to access the savings center, legal and financial resource center, articles, free webinars, searchable databases, monthly newsletters, and more.
Pregnant and Parenting Student at the Valencia Campus
Students may request adjustments based on general pregnancy needs, including pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination or loss of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom.
Additionally, students may request a disability accommodation based on a chronic pregnancy-related medical condition or exacerbated symptoms of pregnancy, which may include extreme/chronic morning sickness, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia. Please visit the Pregnancy and Parenting Students section on the Equity website to learn more about what kinds of accommodations are available to those who are managing health conditions related to pregnancy or need modifications to care for their children.