Berklee NYC

Equity at Berklee NYC

Berklee’s Equity and Title IX Policy and Process also apply to Berklee's campus in New York City at the Power Station, and it is supported by a team of representatives in NYC, led by Berklee's assistant vice president of equity and Title IX/Title IX coordinator.

The Equity and Interim Title IX Policies prohibit acts of identity-based discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, sexual assault or harassment, domestic/dating violence, and stalking. Such acts undermine Berklee’s community values and are strictly prohibited. The Equity and Interim Title IX policies and the institution’s commitment to fostering a safe, supportive, and diverse climate are a fundamental part of a Berklee community where all can study, live, and work together in an environment of equal opportunity, inclusiveness, and mutual respect.

The Equity and Interim Title IX Policies apply to all students, staff, and faculty at the NYC campus. If you have experienced or witnessed an incident that may violate the Equity and Title IX Policy and Process, you can report it to Berklee and local law enforcement, both or neither.

All community members are encouraged to contact the Equity Office to report any instances of potential violations of the Equity and Title IX Policy and Process and receive additional information, resolution options, and supportive measures.

Reporting to the Equity Office does not obligate any community member to participate in an investigation under the Equity and Title IX Policy and Process.

You may use the below link to access our online form to submit a report to the Equity Office.

File a Report

Note: You may use this form to report anonymously by not providing any identifying information in the form. Please note that Berklee may be limited in options of addressing the behavior reported anonymously.

You may also use the below link to schedule an appointment.

Make an Appointment

Responsible Employee Policy for BerkleeNYC Employees

Berklee’s Responsible Employee Policy also applies to faculty and staff at the NYC campus. All Berklee NYC employees are required to report any incident that may violate the Equity and Interim Title IX Policies to the Equity Office within 24 hours of the disclosure.

In addition to emailing or calling Equity to report an alleged incident per the Responsible Employee Policy, employees may also report by submitting an online report to the Equity Office. When filing out the online report form, employees are required to identify themselves and provide their contact information in the form.