Professional Licensure Disclosures
Berklee is committed to providing clear and accurate information to current and prospective students to help inform career planning. The following programs meet the educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in Massachusetts. If you plan to pursue professional licensure or certification in a state other than Massachusetts, it is strongly recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding licensure or certification requirements. State licensure agency websites for each corresponding program, if available, are linked for each state below. For current and prospective students planning to teach or practice outside of the United States, please contact the program chair.
Bachelor of Music in Music Education
The Bachelor of Music in music education meets the applicable state prerequisites for educator licensure in Massachusetts. Graduates of this program who are endorsed for an initial teaching license in Massachusetts may be able to obtain an initial teaching license or certification in the U.S. states and territories that have signed the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Interstate Agreement 2020–2025(Opens in a new window). Additional testing, coursework, fees, background checks, and other requirements may apply. Non-member states may require verification of your educator licensure program. You should contact the appropriate licensing entity in the state to which you may be relocating to get the most up-to-date information.
Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy
Any person looking to obtain their national board certified music therapist (MT-BC) credential to practice music therapy is required to become certified by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT). The Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the current educational requirements to apply for the national MT-BC credential. After obtaining national certification, some states may require an additional state license in order to practice music therapy in that state. For more information, visit the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) website(Opens in a new window) and the CBMT website(Opens in a new window).
Licensure information for each state and program was reviewed and updated in July 2020.
Music Education
Alabama participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Alabama recognizes valid professional educator certificates/licenses issued by other states as the basis to offer professional certification in Alabama. Applicants must first hold Massachusetts professional certification to obtain Alabama Professional Certification for a comparable teaching area. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Please see Alabama's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Alabama does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Alabama. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Alaska participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants may be able to pursue an Alaska one-year initial/out-of-state teacher certificate with a comparable endorsement. Applicants complete an approved basic competency exam and must complete three semester hours of approved Alaska studies coursework and three semester hours of approved Alaska multicultural coursework. Applicants must be eligible for Massachusetts certification in order to be eligible for an Alaska certificate with a comparable endorsement, including any Massachusetts prescribed testing. Please see Alaska's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Alaska does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Alaska. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Arizona participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to apply for an Arizona teaching certificate with a comparable approved subject area or endorsement. Applicants may be required to pass additional assessments and complete special Arizona requirements. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Arizona's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Arizona does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Arizona. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Arkansas participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with Massachusetts professional certification and three years of teaching may be able to earn an Arkansas five-year provisional license to teach in a comparable area. Those without the teaching experience must submit an official score report reflecting passing scores on assessments required by Massachusetts. Reciprocity in Arkansas is not guaranteed. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Arkansas's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Arkansas does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Arkansas. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
California participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with a valid Massachusetts professional credential can apply for a comparable California credential through reciprocity. Several California requirements apply, such as the commission-approved Induction Program and an English learner authorization issued by the commission authorizing service. Subject matter competence for the Single Subject Teaching Credential may be verified with possession of a professional-level teaching credential issued by another state or U.S. territory with a departmentalized classroom teaching authorization that is comparable to a California authorization. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see California's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the current educational requirements to apply for the national MT-BC credential, which is required to practice music therapy in California.
Music Education
Colorado participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. For initial certification with a comparable endorsement, an applicant with Massachusetts professional certification, but less than three years of teaching experience must submit their application for review by the Colorado Department of Education. Applicants without a credential, but who have completed a teacher preparation program can apply with a recommendation from their institution. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Colorado's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Colorado does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Colorado. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Connecticut participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants may be able to earn a Connecticut educator certification and a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. Applicants must have an institutional recommendation and must pass subject-specific tests. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. If deficiencies exist, the applicant may be issued an interim certificate to allow the applicant to complete additional requirements. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Connecticut's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the current educational requirements to apply for the national MT-BC credential, which is required to practice music therapy in Connecticut.
Music Education
Delaware participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. If the applicant has earned a Massachusetts professional credential, they may pursue a Standard Certificate in a comparable area if they are eligible for a Delaware license and have taught under the Massachusetts credential for at least one year. Those who have not taught for one year will be required to complete an approved performance assessment within two years of the date of hire at a Delaware public or charter school. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Delaware's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Delaware does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Delaware. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
District of Columbia
Music Education
The District of Columbia participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to qualify for a standard credential within a comparable teaching area. District of Columbia or equivalent examinations may be required for eligibility. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Applicants without Massachusetts certification may be able to qualify for a standard credential in a comparable area. Applicants must pass scores on D.C. examinations and subject-specific examinations. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see the District of Columbia's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
The District of Columbia does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in the District of Columbia. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Florida participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with or eligible for Massachusetts professional certification can earn a Temporary Florida Educator's Certification in a comparable teaching area as an out-of-state student. Additional examinations may be required before initial certification can be earned. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other additional requirements, such as background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Florida's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Florida does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Florida. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Georgia participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a Georgia license as an out-of-state educator. Applicants must submit an online application, verification of citizenship, verification of experiences (if applicable), a copy of a valid out-of state license, state licensure exam scores, official transcripts, completion of a special education/exceptional child course, and a $20 processing fee. Other additional requirements, such as background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Georgia's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in Georgia. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in Georgia should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
Music Education
Hawaii participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a nonrenewable provisional license in a comparable license field in Hawaii as an out-of-state applicant. Applicants must submit HTSB form LA3009 and meet basic skills and content knowledge requirements. Hawaii-required assessments may apply. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Hawaii's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Hawaii does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Hawaii. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Idaho participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. The applicant may be able to obtain an Idaho interim certificate with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. Other Idaho requirements may have to be completed for the Idaho educator credential. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Idaho's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Idaho does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Idaho. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Illinois participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with a valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to obtain an Illinois professional educator license as an out-of-state applicant. Additional Illinois coursework may be required. Applicants without Massachusetts certification may be required to complete additional Illinois coursework and/or assessments. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Illinois's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Illinois does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Illinois. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Indiana participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with a valid Massachusetts professional license may be able to obtain an Indiana teaching license with a comparable content area as an out-of-state applicant. Applicants who have not completed Massachusetts prescribed assessments may have to pass Indiana prescribed assessments. Reciprocity does not obligate Indiana to waive certain deficiencies, nor to exempt individuals from requirements set forth by Indiana administrative law/rule. Applicants must have preparation in at least two fields of teaching to teach at the secondary level. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Indiana's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Indiana does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Indiana. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Iowa participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn an Iowa Regional Exchange Teaching License for Out-of-State Applicants. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. A transcript evaluation fee of $60 is required to add an endorsement. Please see Iowa's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Iowa does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Iowa. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Kansas participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn an Initial Out-of-State Kansas Teaching License with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. Applicants without certification may be subject to Kansas assessments and/or additional coursework. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Kansas's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Kansas does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Kansas. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Kentucky participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Kentucky accepts the recommendations from teacher preparation programs from state-approved, regionally accredited colleges and universities, and evaluates each case on an individual basis. There is an application process and a fee of $85, and you must submit official transcripts and a copy of valid out-of-state license, and complete the Praxis exams (unless you have a verifiable two years of teaching experience). Other requirements may be required. Please see Kentucky's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Kentucky does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Kentucky. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Louisiana participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Individuals who become certified in Massachusetts may apply for a teaching certificate through reciprocity in Louisiana. The state of Louisiana offers two kinds of teaching certificates to applicants holding a standard out-of-state teaching certificate. The certificate that is issued depends on whether the applicant has met Louisiana’s Praxis and/or NTE testing requirements. Please see Louisiana's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Louisiana does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Louisiana. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Maine participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. The applicant may be able to earn conditional certification with a comparable endorsement in Maine as an out-of-state applicant. Additional Maine-specific coursework and examination may be required. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Maine's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Maine does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Maine. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Maryland participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants may be able to earn Maryland certification in a comparable teaching area as an out-of-state applicant. Additional Maryland coursework may be required. The board will review coursework upon application. Alternative certification is not accepted for Maryland certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Maryland's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Maryland does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Maryland. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
In order to become licensed in Massachusetts, applicants must hold a bachelor's degree, pass all required MTEL tests, and complete an approved educator preparation program in Massachusetts. Please see Massachusetts's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Massachusetts does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Massachusetts. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Michigan participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. The applicant may be able to obtain a Standard Teaching Certificate with a comparable Michigan endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. However, the MOECS will evaluate coursework only upon application and make a determination on a case-by-case basis. The cost of an evaluation in $50 and does not guarantee the endorsement will be approved. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Michigan's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Michigan does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Michigan. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Minnesota participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant may be able to obtain a Minnesota tier 3 license as a teacher of a comparable subject area, but will be required to go through a credential evaluation by the board, who will review the applicant's coursework on a case-by-case basis. Applicants must take a pass the MTLE content and pedagogy exams. Those who do not meet the requirements for tier 3 may earn a tier 2 while working to meet the Minnesota requirements. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Minnesota's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Minnesota does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Minnesota. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Mississippi participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with a valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to obtain a five-year Educator License with a comparable supplemental endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. An applicant who possesses a valid license that is less than standard from another state may apply for a nonrenewable two-year educator license through reciprocity. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements may have to be met before obtaining the license and endorsement. Please see Mississippi's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Mississippi does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Mississippi. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Missouri participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to obtain a Missouri certificate of license to teach in a comparable area as an out-of-state student. Applicants without Massachusetts professional certification will require an institutional recommendation. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may be required. Please see Missouri's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Missouri does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Missouri. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Montana participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant may be able to obtain a Montana Class 2 license as an out-of-state applicant. Either a Massachusetts professional certification or institutional recommendation is required. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, Montana coursework, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Montana's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Montana does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Montana. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Nebraska participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to apply for a teaching certificate with a comparable teaching area with deficiencies that must be completed for a Teaching Standard Certificate as an out-of-state applicant. Nebraska does not have full reciprocity for out-of-state certifications or education preparation programs. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Nebraska's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Nebraska does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Nebraska. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Nevada participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a standard license through reciprocity. Applicants without Massachusetts certification will have their application evaluated against Nevada requirements. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Nevada's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy program meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in Nevada. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in Nevada should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
New Hampshire
Music Education
New Hampshire participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants may be able to earn a New Hampshire full license with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant if the applicant has a Massachusetts professional certification (requiring three years of experience) or has completed an educator preparation program. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as background checks, examinations, New Hampshire coursework, etc., may apply. Please see New Hampshire's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
New Hampshire does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in New Hampshire. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
New Jersey
Music Education
New Jersey participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant who has completed an educator preparation program and holds a valid Massachusetts professional certificate may be able to obtain a New Jersey Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) with a comparable endorsement. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see New Jersey's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the current educational requirements to apply for the national MT-BC credential, which can be used to practice music therapy in New Jersey.
New Mexico
Music Education
New Mexico does not participate in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant may be able to obtain an Out-of-State Licensure (1CS) if they have valid Massachusetts professional certification. Applicants may be able to earn a comparable endorsement dependent upon department review. Applicants without Massachusetts certification may be required to take a teaching reading course and pass New Mexico teaching assessments. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see New Mexico's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
New Mexico does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in New Mexico. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
New York
Music Education
New York does not participate in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with valid Massachusetts professional certification and recent teaching experience may be able to obtain a Conditional Initial Certificate in a comparable area as an out-of-state applicant. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other New York coursework and assessment may be required. Please see New York's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
New York requires music therapists to obtain licensure as a creative arts therapist. Berklee has not determined whether the Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for a creative arts therapy license in New York. Students who are interested in working in New York should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
North Carolina
Music Education
North Carolina participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant who has completed an education preparation program and has or is eligible for Massachusetts professional certification may be able to obtain a Professional Educator's Initial License as an out-of-state applicant. For those applicants with valid professional Massachusetts certification, the board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional assessments for the subject area may be required. Additional requirements, such as background checks, etc., may be required. Please see North Carolina's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) for more information.
Music Therapy
North Carolina does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in North Carolina. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
North Dakota
Music Education
North Dakota participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Professional Educator's Initial Licenses are nonrenewable and intended for teachers with up to two years of teaching experience, and are valid for three years. To be issued a Professional Educator's Initial License, an individual must have completed a state-approved teacher education program from a regionally accredited college or university. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see North Dakota's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in North Dakota. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in North Dakota should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
Music Education
Ohio participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. An applicant with three or more years of experience under Massachusetts certification may be able to obtain a Five-Year Professional license. Applicants without experience or Massachusetts certification may be able to obtain a Four-Year Resident Educator license. An applicant may be able to obtain a license in a comparable teaching field, but additional Ohio coursework may be required. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Please see Ohio's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Ohio does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Ohio. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Oklahoma participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants who have completed the educator preparation program and have Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a Provisional Certificate with a comparable Oklahoma certification area as an out-of-state applicant. Applicants who do not have Massachusetts certification will have their application reviewed by the board for determination. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Oklahoma's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in Oklahoma. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in Oklahoma should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
Music Education
Oregon participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may qualify for an Oregon Reciprocal Teaching License with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. Licensee holders have one year before which they must qualify for the Oregon Preliminary or Professional Teaching license. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as assessments, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Oregon's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in Oregon. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in Oregon should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
Music Education
Pennsylvania participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants may obtain a comparable Pennsylvania certification if the applicant has at least a bachelor’s degree with a 3.0 GPA, program completion and/or required coursework for certification, and student teaching/internship/practicum or field experience. Whether the student's out-of-state credential is sufficiently aligned with the Pennsylvania certification will be determined by the board upon review. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Pennsylvania's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Pennsylvania does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Pennsylvania. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Rhode Island
Music Education
Rhode Island participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants may be able to earn a full certificate in a comparable subject area as an out-of-state applicant. Additional assessments may be required. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Rhode Island's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in Rhode Island. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in Rhode Island should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
South Carolina
Music Education
South Carolina participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn an initial certification in a comparable teaching area as an out-of-state applicant. South Carolina applicants who are interested in this program must request a formal program approval from the South Carolina Department of Education. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as assessments, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see South Carolina's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
South Carolina does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in South Carolina. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
South Dakota
Music Education
South Dakota does not participate in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a provisional South Dakota teacher certificate with a comparable endorsement. Preparations and endorsements may be added based on a review of the out-of-state certificate and the equivalent South Dakota preparations and endorsements. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as application fees, background checks, etc., may apply. Please note: All applicants for licensure must complete an approved course on South Dakota Indian Studies. Please see South Dakota's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
South Dakota does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in South Dakota. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Tennessee participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants who have completed an educator preparation program and are eligible for or have a valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a practitioner license with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Tennessee's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Tennessee does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Tennessee. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Texas participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a Texas educator certificate with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as assessments, background checks, etc., may be required. Please see Texas's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Texas does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Texas. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Utah participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn a Utah Out-of-State (OOS) license with a comparable endorsement. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Utah-prescribed assessments may be required for the endorsement. Additional requirements, such as assessments, background checks, etc., may be required. Please see Utah's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in Utah. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in Utah should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
Music Education
Vermont participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with valid Massachusetts professional certification or who have completed an educator preparation program may be able to earn an Initial Level 1 License with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant based on practicum and student teaching experience. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Please see Vermont's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Vermont does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Vermont. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Virginia participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants who have completed the educator preparation program and have or are eligible for a valid Massachusetts professional certification may qualify for a Virginia teaching license with a comparable endorsement. Professional teacher's assessments prescribed by the Board of Education must be satisfied. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Virginia's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Virginia does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Virginia. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Washington participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with or eligible for a valid Massachusetts professional certificate may be able to earn a Residency Teacher Out-of-State certification. A comparable endorsement may be added by a completed educator preparation program and OSPI-approved assessment. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Other requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may be required. Please see Washington's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Washington does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Washington. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
West Virginia
Music Education
West Virginia participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants who have completed the educator preparation program and have or are eligible for a valid Massachusetts professional certification may be able to earn initial teaching certification as an out-of-state applicant. A comparable endorsement can be added to certification by an approved Praxis examination or based on institutional recommendation. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Please see West Virginia's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
West Virginia does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in West Virginia. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Music Education
Wisconsin participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants with a valid Massachusetts professional certificate may be able to pursue an initial Wisconsin license. Upon application review, DPI will determine for which license an applicant is currently eligible. If an applicant is not eligible for the license for which they applied, DPI will issue the most similar license for which they are eligible. This may be a One-Year License with Stipulations, a License Based on Reciprocity, or a Five-Year Long-Term Substitute License. Please note that Wisconsin requires additional weeks of student teaching. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Please see Wisconsin's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Berklee's Bachelor of Music in music therapy meets the educational requirements for state registration as a music therapist in Wisconsin. Additional requirements such as examinations, background checks, postgraduate experience, and so on may apply. Students who are interested in working in Wisconsin should contact the state board(Opens in a new window) before enrolling in this program.
Music Education
Wyoming participates in the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement. Applicants may be able to earn a Wyoming teaching license with a comparable endorsement as an out-of-state applicant. Additional Wyoming coursework and assessments may be required. Applicants do not have to obtain licensure in Massachusetts; however, they must be eligible for Massachusetts licensure, including the completion of Massachusetts-required testing. The board will evaluate each application in its entirety to make a final decision regarding certification. Additional requirements, such as examinations, background checks, etc., may apply. Please see Wyoming's Educator Certification(Opens in a new window) website for more information.
Music Therapy
Wyoming does not require a state license or certification to practice music therapy in Wyoming. Please note that some occupational settings and governmental agencies may require national certification for employment.
Licensure Exams
Below are the licensure passage rates of Berklee students in recent years.
Recent Licensure Exam Pass Rates
Exam | 2019–20 | 2020–21 | 2021–22 |
Massachusetts Test for Educational Licensure exams | 67% | 60% | 65% |
Certification Board for Music Therapy | 40% | 45% | 31% |