Berklee Retention and Graduation Rates

Berklee reports annual retention and graduation rates each year. The page below provides more details about Berklee's rates and trends among learning environments, demographics, and academic credentials. 

The data reflects students entering Berklee as first-time, full-time undergraduate students, unless otherwise noted.

If you have any questions about retention or graduation rates, please contact in a new window).


Retention and Graduation Rates by Learning Environment

One-year Retention Rates

Percent of first-time, full-time undergraduate students retaining from their first fall to the second fall, as reported to IPEDS


Six-year Graduation Rates

Six-year graduation rate of first-time full-time students entering Berklee, as reported to IPEDS



Detailed Graduation Rates

Race and Ethnicity

Department of Education Definition

The US Department of Education requires graduation rates to be reported based on specific race and ethnicity categories(Opens in a new window). In these calculations, each student is only counted in one race or ethnicity category.


More Inclusive Race and Ethnicity Cohort Definition

To be more inclusive in the data reporting process, the following displays an alternative methodology that counts domestic students in each race or ethnicity category they have identified. The table below shows the difference between the US Department of Education IPEDS-defined cohorts and Berklee’s redefined cohorts.


The Department of Education continues to maintain a binary definition for reporting.


Financial Aid Status

The graduation rates below are based on the financial aid status of students when they entered Berklee.


Bachelor's Degree and Diploma

Berklee College of Music Only

Students who entered Berklee College of Music in the bachelor's degree program consistently have higher graduation rates than students who entered in the professional diploma program. The chart below compares these two groups and their graduating credentials.


Transfer Students

The chart below shows the graduation rates of students who transferred to Berklee as full-time students.