Professional Associations, Organizations, and Societies

Professional associations, organizations, and societies often hold field-specific conferences, meetings, and workshops that may present networking opportunities with those working in your areas of interest. We encourage you to use the list of associations and organizations below, but do not be limited by it as this is merely a small fraction of the groups that may be of interest to you.

Jump to associations and organizations by field:

Audio, Sound, Production, Engineering, and Technology

Organization Description

AES(Opens in a new window) (Audio Engineering Society)

Promotes research and commercial interests of designers, manufacturers, buyers, and users of professional and semiprofessional audio equipment.

AMP(Opens in a new window) (Association of Music Producers)

Educates its members as well as the production, advertising, and media communities on all facets of music production from creation to final use.

SPARS(Opens in a new window) (Society of Professional Audio Recording Studios)

Unites the manufacturers of audio recording equipment and services with users.

Business (return to top)

Organization Description

AIMP(Opens in a new window) (Association of Independent Music Publishers)

Educates music publishers about the most current industry trends by providing a forum for the discussion of the issues confronting the music publishing industry.

MIDEM(Opens in a new window) (Marché International du Disque et de l'Edition Musicale)

World’s largest music industry trade fair providing a forum for discussing political and legal issues, new artists, musical trends, and music-related products.

NAMM(Opens in a new window) (National Association of Music Merchants)

Strengthens the music products industry and promotes the benefits of making music.

RIAA(Opens in a new window) (Recording Industry Association of America)

North and South American trade organization that represents the recording industry in the United States.

Music Business Association(Opens in a new window) Nonprofit trade association that seeks to advance and promote music commerce, whether physical, digital, mobile, or more.

Education (return to top)

Organization Description

ISME(Opens in a new window) (International Society for Music Education)

Serves music educators around the world, and represents all levels and all fields of specialization within music education.

MTNA(Opens in a new window) (Music Teachers National Association)

Cultivates growth and development for music teaching professionals.

NAfME(Opens in a new window) (National Association for Music Education)

Connection between Music Educators National Conference and the industry.

    Music Therapy (return to top)

    Organization Description

    AMTA(Opens in a new window) (American Music Therapy Association)

    Organization for the progressive development of the therapeutic use of music in rehabilitation, special education, and community settings.

    AMTAS(Opens in a new window) (American Music Therapy Association for Students)

    Promotes awareness, use, and development of music therapy in order to maximize health.

    WFMT(Opens in a new window) (World Federation of Music Therapy) International nonprofit organization that brings together music therapy associations and individuals interested in developing and promoting music therapy globally.

    Performance (return to top)

    Organization Description

    AFM(Opens in a new window) (American Federation of Musicians)

    Assists musicians in the U.S. and Canada with fair agreements, music ownership, and benefits.

    APAP(Opens in a new window) (Association of Performing Arts Presenters)

    World's largest networking forum and marketplace for performing arts professionals including artists, agents, and emerging arts leaders.

    ISPA(Opens in a new window) (International Society for the Performing Arts)

    Develops and educates an international network of arts leaders and professionals who are dedicated to advancing the performing arts.

    The Grammys (Opens in a new window)(The Recording Academy)

    Honors achievements in the recording arts and supports the music community. 

    Writing/Composing (return to top)

    Organization Description

    ASCAP(Opens in a new window) (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers)

    Performing rights organization representing over 420,000 songwriters, composers, and music publishers.

    BMI(Opens in a new window) (Broadcast Music, Inc.)

    Performing rights organization that collects license fees on behalf of songwriters, composers, and music publishers, and distributes them as royalties to members.

    SESAC(Opens in a new window) (Society of European Stage Authors and Composers)

    Performing rights organization in the U.S. with a selective process when affiliating songwriters and publishers.

    NARIP(Opens in a new window) (National Association of Record Industry Professionals) Creates access to top executives and experts in the music and record industries.


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