Mail Services
Mail Services is managed by Xerox and is located on the lower level of 1108 Boylston Street. For more information, contact Gene Falcone, mail room manager, at 617-747-2753 or 617-932-9352.
All student packages are available for pick-up at this location between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. from Monday through Friday. Contact the Mail Room directly via email to the Student Mail Room or by calling 617-747-2353 or 617-747-2753. Incoming US mail and packages are received on behalf of resident students only. All mail received for students living off campus will be returned to sender.
Faculty and Staff
Find information about picking up or sending packages at Mail Services for Faculty and Staff.
Package and Mail Policy
Student mail and packages must be picked up upon notification. Please be sure to pick up your packages and mail in a timely manner.
Berklee Mail Services reserves the right to return mail and packages to the sender after 30 days from receipt by Berklee. Berklee is not responsible for packages or mail after 30 days.
Changing to Paperless/Electronic Mail
We encourage all students to change to paperless statements (i.e., for banking, credit cards, business mailings, and so on). Electronic statements are a convenient alternative to mailed paper statements for the following reasons:
- No more mail to pick up
- Savings on mailing fees, as electronic statements are free
- Information protection; no paper to shred
- Save paper for a more sustainable environmental practice
It's easy to change to paperless statements: go online to the business's website(s) and select the electronic statement option.