Karen Gardner

Shiatsu Bodywork Therapist

An alum of Boston Conservatory, Karen Gardner performs bodywork and Shiatsu therapy treatment at Berklee. Gardner has a private clinical practice that includes both horses and human clients, and she has been working on professional performing artists since 1994. She works in house at the Boston Ballet and show coverage for the ballet at the Boston Opera House.

Gardner works on stallions and riders at the Herrmanns Royal Lipizzan Stallions ranch, and also tours with them. She has been a practitioner for various equine shows, clinics, and performances on both horses and performers/equestrians, including the Big Apple Circus.

She is a classically trained contralto and sings professionally with the Kings Chapel Choir. Karen was a member of the Cape Cod Ballet under the direction of Barry Edson. More information and endorsements are found on her website(Opens in a new window).