Nanocluster: Immersion and SUSS
The latest installment of Nanocluster is an intriguing collaboration between the duo Immersion, which features Colin Newman (from acclaimed UK post-punk band Wire) and his partner in life and sound Malka Spigel (Minimal Compact), and New York ambient country band SUSS.
Nanocluster reflects the evolution of Newman and Spigel's relationship, their friendships, and their shared commitment to art and ideas. Their journey began in 1985 when Newman produced Spigel’s band, sparking their creative collaboration. Over time, they became a couple and launched their own projects, including the instrumental electronic duo Immersion in 1994.
Emerging from Immersion, Nanocluster began as a series of one-off gigs at the Rosehill in their new hometown of Brighton in 2017, featuring a roster of influential and cutting-edge musicians. This creative endeavor culminated in the debut album, Nanocluster Vol. 1, released in 2021, which includes contributions from Stereolab’s Laetitia Sadier, German post-rock electronic musician Ulrich Schnauss, and experimental artist Robin Rimbaud.