Spiritual Revolution

Founded in 2023

Spiritual Revolution club meetings will be a space where students can learn about and discuss spirituality and metaphysical topics, such as the seven chakras, personal energy fields/auras, third eye intuition, tarot cards/readings, world religions, astrology, kundalini, astral projection/OBE, ego death, karma and reincarnation, and meditation, etc. Lessons will be taught with PowerPoints, stories, activities, and group discussion.



The Spiritual Revolution exists to create a space for the exploration of spiritual and metaphysical subjects. The club strives to learn about the world around us to come to a deeper understanding of why people are here and the thread of life that unites us. The club creates a community that is authentic and nurturing, to encourage the goodness in each other.


To create a better future by being present and aware. Members go the extra mile for each other and are open to growing in the members' understanding of an individual's purpose in the world. Core values: open-mindedness, exploration, oneness, community, compassion, intuitive ability


  • To expose each other to new topics that may not have previously considered or been aware of
  • To engage in discussion about topics that affect us on a deep level, being able to listen and hold space for each person speaking
  • To practice meditation or other spiritual practice together, such as mindful eating or tarot card readings
  • To grow into each person's authentic selves through self-exploration and support for each other
  • To be awake and aware of the Boston community, stepping up for social change where possible—for example, attending peaceful protest that aligns with the values