Aviations Cozies up to Metal with 11-Minute 'Outliers'

Aviations, from left to right: Eric Palmer B.M. '16, Richard Blumenthal, Sam Harchik B.M. '15, Adam Benjamin B.M. '15, James Knoerl B.M. '15, and Werner Erkelens.
Image courtesy of Aviations
There are three hashtags at the bottom of the YouTube page for the song "Outliers," by the band Aviations. The first two are #aviationsband and #progressivemetal—pretty standard. But the last one is a bit surprising: #cozymetal.
Cozy metal is a kind of metal that gives you a nice, warm feeling, says Aviations drummer and songwriter James Knoerl B.M. '15. "It makes you feel warm and, like, satisfied. I feel like you could listen to 'Outliers' next to a campfire, drinking tea, with a cat on your lap," he says. Knoerl is one of four alumni in the six-person band, which includes Adam Benjamin B.M. '15 on vocals; Sam Harchik B.M. '15 on guitar; Eric Palmer B.M. '16 on guitar; Werner Erkelens on bass; and Richard Blumenthal on piano. Find them on social media at @aviationsband.
"Outliers," an 11-minute prog metal epic, has racked up views and listens on streaming platforms. The song started picking up traction after getting noticed in the online metal reaction community. Take a listen.
Produced by Kim Ashton
Engineered by Georgia Parker
Theme music by Sleeping Lion