Meet the Team

Our Team

  • Assistant Dean for Student Life

    Anne Brown (she/her) has been at Berklee since May 2019. In her current role, she assists the dean for student life with assessment, administration and communication. Anne responds to departmental, student, and parent inquiries, issues, and concerns. You can reach her at

  • Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Life

    Chris Reade (he/his) currently serves as the associate vice president and dean of Student Life. In this role, he is responsible for providing strategic leadership and administrative direction for the Campus Life team, which includes community standards, housing operations, residential education, student activities, and new student and family programs  and the Student Affairs team in Valencia. You can reach him at

  • Associate Dean for Student Life

    Rosemary Shadow (they/them), associate dean for student life, has been at Berklee for over 10 years. In this role, they oversee the Office of Campus Life, including the offices of New Student and Family Programs and Student Involvement and the Office of Housing and Residential Education. You can reach them at in a new window).