Technology for Music Production and Engineering Students
As an undergraduate Berklee student majoring in music production and engineering (MP&E), the required hardware and software listed below will be essential to your success.
Required Hardware
1. You are required to purchase a high-quality two-channel (minimum) audio interface. Recommended manufacturers to explore include:
- Apogee(Opens in a new window)
- Focusrite(Opens in a new window)
- MOTU(Opens in a new window)
- Universal Audio(Opens in a new window)
2. You are required to purchase one of the following high-quality headphones:
- Audio-Technica ATH-M50x(Opens in a new window)
- Beyerdynamic 770 Pro(Opens in a new window)
- Sony MDR7506(Opens in a new window)
- Sennheiser HD 280 PRO(Opens in a new window)
3. You are required to purchase a pair of external drives for backing up your data. Each drive should hold at least 1TB. A solid state drive is highly recommended.
Required Software
Upon successfully declaring MP&E as your major, once you enroll in course MP-211, your account will be billed for the major bundle along with all other College charges. All MP&E majors will receive the major bundle. The software bundle will be emailed to you during the first week of the semester.
In addition to the MP&E major bundle, you are required to own software included in the Core Software Package as well as purchase the following software on your own:
Econ Technologies ChronoSync | $25.99 |
Valhalla VintageVerb(Opens in a new window) | $50 |
Music Production and Engineering Major Bundle | $490 |
Price does not include Massachusetts sales tax.
The MP&E major bundle includes the following software:
- iZotope Music Production Bundle
- Celemony Melodyne Assistant
- Antares Auto-Tune Artist Pro