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Employee resources groups (ERGs) are voluntary, faculty- and staff-led groups that aim to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace aligned with Berklee’s fundamental values. The groups exist to provide support and help in personal or professional development. ERGs are typically led and participated in by individuals who share a characteristic, whether it's gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation, lifestyle, interest, etc.
Benefits of employee resource groups can include:
Creating spaces of belonging, support, and understanding through common experiences and shared identities.
Networking and professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.
Empowering faculty and staff to advocate for themselves and for others.
Providing faculty and staff avenues for direct feedback on satisfaction issues and needs.
Fostering communication and collaboration and networking with colleagues across the organization.
Contributing to the attraction and retention of diverse talent.
Please note that these groups might be referred to elsewhere as Affinity Groups, Community Groups, Caucuses, etc.
Employee Resources Groups at Berklee
Colleagues in Diversity and Inclusion and Human Resources have partnered to engage faculty and staff who wish to participate in employee resource groups.This team has established a process for creating ERGs to ensure successful outcomes. All employee resource groups will contribute to Berklee’s commitment of fostering inclusive environments in which every member’s presence and voice is heard, valued, and respected.
Berklee’s current employee resource groups are listed below. If you are interested in forming a new group, please reach out to Alex Cabal and Nancy Gervais to begin the process.
The Association of Faculty and Staff of African Descent (AFSAD)
AFSAD is committed to:
Increasing our mentoring activities by providing all students of African descent with a list of members available for one-on-one mentoring and counseling
Supporting and contributing to scholarships, like the Bill Pierce MLK Scholarship Fund, that supports Berklee students of color throughout financial hardships
Hosting educational forums and other outreach events throughout the school year
Chronically Ill, Neurodivergent, and Disabled Employee Resource Group (CINDER)
Berklee has recently formed the new employee resource group (ERG) titled the Chronically Ill, Neurodivergent, and Disabled Employee Resource Group (CINDER) for faculty, staff, and allies who are interested in connecting, building, supporting, and strengthening the Neurodivergent/Disabled community while also providing opportunities for the rest of the Berklee community to learn about Neurodivergent/Disabled culture through encouraging direct representation, engaging in open dialogue regarding experiences and issues of concern regarding systemic ableism, discussing current events that affect CINDER, and providing services and various opportunities across all of Berklee's campuses and learning modalities. For more information, please email in a new window)
Gracenotes Volunteer Committee
The Volunteer Committee, open to all faculty and staff at Berklee, seeks to create service opportunities for Berklee employees to use their gifts and abilities for the benefit of the college community and for the community at large.
Inspire, motivate, and engage faculty and staff to lend support to our local community
Strengthen and build new relationships with community partners and other nonprofit organizations in the Boston area
Berklee has recently formed a new employee resource group (ERG) for Jewish faculty, staff, and allies who are interested in connecting, building, supporting, and strengthening the Berklee Jewish community while also providing opportunities for the rest of the Berklee community to learn about Judaism, to raise an awareness of antisemitism, and to engage in open dialogue and discussion. For more information, please visit our site.
Queer at Berklee
Queer at Berklee is a grassroots initiative that aims to affirm identities, facilitate learning, and center the LGBTQIA+ community's voice across all Berklee campuses.
Open to all employees who identify within the LGBTQIA+ community, participants can engage in one-on-one partnerships and/or attend full group meetings held both on the Boston campus and remotely. For more information, please visit our site(Opens in a new window).
The Berklee Sustainability Coalition comprises faculty, staff, and students dedicated to reducing Berklee’s environmental footprint on the Boston campus. The coalition also provides ready information that empowers good personal practices on and off campus. An additional goal is to support and publicize creative and performative work concerned with climate and sustainability.
The coalition is the center for sustainability on campus and meets once a month to discuss large-scale projects. It functions as an umbrella group for the various student clubs and faculty groups. Learn more.