Berklee Announces ABLE Arts Resource Center

The comprehensive resource will benefit artists, arts educators, students, and many others who work at the intersection of the arts and special needs.

August 5, 2020

The Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs (BIAESN) has collaborated with United Sound(Opens in a new window) to create a new resource on the college’s REMIX (research, media, and information exchange) database. The ABLE Arts Resource Center is a comprehensive clearinghouse of resources for artists, arts educators, teaching artists, community arts organizations, scholars, undergraduate and graduate students, and others who work at the intersection of arts education and special needs.

The ABLE Arts Resource Center was created to provide a highly searchable and accessible portal to educational resources that support the arts education of people with disabilities in classroom, ensemble, studio, and rehearsal settings. The library and network of resources will be updated regularly with materials and research in this growing field. The center's editorial board will also identify areas where additional resources are needed, working with authors and experts to develop these assets to address the needs of the field.

“Creating the ABLE Arts Resource Center in partnership with United Sound has been an incredible collaboration of teachers, artists, scholars, and people who dedicate their lives to furthering the arts education of people with disabilities,” said Rhoda Bernard, managing director of the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs. “We look forward to growing this tremendous tool with research, multimedia assets, and all the resources people may need to better reach every student in arts education settings.”

About the Institute

The Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs was founded by Bernard in the fall of 2017. The institute provides opportunities for individuals with special needs of all ages to learn about, experience, and create in the arts. It offers community programs, learning opportunities for undergraduate students, first-of-their-kind graduate programs, professional development for teachers, public-facing tools and assets with the ABLE Arts Resource Center, and partnerships with international, national, and regional organizations.

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