MP&E Major Application FAQ

Apply to the MP&E Major(Opens in a new window)
The music production and engineering (MP&E) major will next accept applications for Spring 2025.
Applications open on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. The submissions deadline is Friday, February 21, 2025.
Applications will automatically close at 5:00 p.m. EST.
For an overview of the MP&E major at Berklee and a look at whether it may be right for you, please see the department's About page. If, after learning more, you are interested in applying to the MP&E major, read the information below to learn how to do so and find answers to common questions about the application process.
When can I apply to the MP&E major?
Applications to the MP&E major are accepted twice annually during the first five weeks of the fall and spring semesters. If you are a Berklee student, you can apply to the MP&E major in the fall for a spring semester start and in the spring for a summer or fall semester start.
Who is eligible to apply to the MP&E major?
Please contact the MP&E office at: for additional advising.
What are the criteria for admission to the MP&E Department?
Criteria for admission include demonstrated musicianship, academic accomplishment, maturity and acuity, written and oral communication skills, and a demonstrated willingness to collaborate.
Are there any particular courses students should enroll in at Berklee before applying for the MP&E major?
Students must enroll in MP-113 Accelerated Pro Tools Online before applying to MP&E.
Degree students are also encouraged to enroll in Acoustics (LMSC-209 preferred or LMSC-208) to fulfill their math/natural sciences requirement. Please note that both acoustics courses require a math prerequisite; this is satisfied by completing a math course, transfer credit, or passing the math proficiency exam offered each semester.
How does a student apply for the MP&E program?
If you are a currently enrolled Berklee student, you can apply to the MP&E major here(Opens in a new window).
Applications are accepted beginning on the first day of classes and are open until the fifth week of classes (Friday at 5:00 p.m. EST) during the fall and spring semesters.
The application process includes:
Submission of a written online application consisting of a series of short-answer essays; and a five-minute-maximum video responding to selected prompts.
What is the required video submission?
As part of the application process, applicants must submit a five-minute-maximum personal video responding to the following prompts:
1. Of all of the majors offered at Berklee with "production" in the title (MP&E, IRP, CWP and EPD), why is MP&E the right major for you?
2. What are you most hoping to gain specifically from MP&E that will best serve your future goals?
Responses should be authentic and in your own words, not read from a script. We are not looking for a professionally produced video, just a candid representation of you and your enthusiasm for the major and the craft of music production and engineering. Please do not exceed the five-minute-maximum video length.
Is there a required portfolio submission?
A student portfolio of original work is not required. However, you do have the opportunity within the application to upload supplemental audio recordings or videos for additional consideration. Please detail your specific role and participation in any project submitted. You may also submit an optional letter of recommendation.
When will students be informed of their status?
Notification of MP&E selection decisions will be sent via Berklee student email the week prior to registration for the upcoming semester. Note: For first-semester Berklee Global Partner applicants only, final MP&E selection decisions will be sent once final grades from their first on-ground Berklee Boston semester have been posted.
How many students apply for the MP&E program, and how many are accepted?
Sixty spots are awarded each fall and spring semester, and 24 students are accepted for the summer semester. The rate of acceptance is dependent on the number of applicants each season, and typically runs between 30 and 45 percent.
Why does the MP&E Department limit its enrollment?
Hands-on recording studio experience is a central component of the MP&E curriculum. In order to deliver the highest standards of education, it is essential that reasonable ratios of enrollment to facilities and faculty be maintained.
If accepted to the MP&E major, are there any classes I need to add to my schedule?
After notification of acceptance and completion of your Declaration of Major paperwork in the MP&E office, you must add the following first-semester MP&E courses to your schedule: MP-211, MP-214, MP-215, MP-225, as well as LMSC-209 (preferred) or LMSC-208 if you have not already taken acoustics. Note that double majors should consult their double major grid in order to verify their particular course sequence.
Note: Students who have previously taken MP-114 and/or MP-115 and received a grade of B- or better will receive major credit in lieu of taking MP-214 and/or MP-215 respectively. EPD/MPE dual majors may elect to take EP-225 rather than MP-225, and substitute an additional upper-semester two-credit MP&E elective instead.
If accepted to the MP&E major, am I required to own any specific computer hardware or software for use in conjunction with the Berklee laptop package?
Yes. In addition to owning the Berklee laptop package, students enrolling in the MP&E major must purchase the items detailed on the Technology for Music Production and Engineering Students page. Note that all required hardware and software must be purchased and installed prior to the first day of class.
Can a student who is not accepted reapply in a future semester?
Yes. Students can reapply without penalty or prejudice. Reapplicants are free to contact the MP&E office at: to schedule an advising appointment.
Can a student defer enrollment to a future semester?
Yes. If you have been accepted and are not able to begin the major in the semester for which you were accepted, you must contact Barbara Thomas, MP&E program associate, at immediately. Otherwise, your spot in the major will not be guaranteed.
Can an admitted student begin the program early? For instance, can a student admitted for the fall semester begin during the summer semester?
For further information, please contact the MP&E office at