Hoods, Caps, and Gowns

You ordered your hood, cap, and gown when you applied for graduation. Starting Monday, April 28, through Friday, May 2, between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., you will need to pick up your hood, cap, and gown at the Berklee Bookstore. Hoods, caps, and gowns will not be available at Agganis Arena. If you want someone else to pick up your hood, cap, and gown between April 28 and May 2, you must fill out this designation form by Thursday, April 24.

On Saturday, May 10, you must arrive “robed and ready” (wearing your hood, cap, gown, and tassel).

Students may decorate their mortarboard "cap." Only the flat top area of the cap may be decorated. Cap decorations that are motivated by animosity against a person or group because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or national origin, or which infringe on the rights and freedoms of others, or contain profanity will not be allowed.

Stoles: A graduation or academic stole is a decorative vestment worn by students over the commencement gown. Only Berklee-recognized stoles may be worn to the commencement ceremony; no personal, individual stoles are allowed.  Berklee distributes stoles as part of our Latinx, Lavender, and Jabulani commencement celebrations.

Cords: The college does not utilize academic cords or academic honors during the commencement ceremony.

Berklee Online students, please review Berklee Online commencement information.

Boston Conservatory at Berklee students, please review Conservatory commencement information.