Berklee Performance Center Rental Information

Rental Information

Enclosed information is subject to change without notice. Last updated 9/4/2024.

Welcome to the Berklee Performance Center

Exterior of the Berklee Performance Center.

Located in the historic Back Bay, the Berklee Performance Center (BPC) is at the core of Boston's entertainment and cultural community. Many excellent restaurants and hotels, as well as the Prudential Center, Fenway Park, and the Hynes Convention Center, are within walking distance. The Berklee Performance Center is easily accessible by public transportation, with parking available in neighboring garages.

Showcasing over 200 events each year, the BPC may just be the busiest theater in Boston, and it is certainly the most unique. Owned and operated by Berklee College of Music, the BPC hosts concerts by talented students, faculty, and visiting artists, as well as a wide variety of productions presented by outside promoters, arts presenters, and community organizations. Events at the BPC span every musical genre and represent a broad range of countries and cultures, from traditional artists to contemporary innovators defining the future of music. The center contains 1,215 seats, state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems, and a full range of multimedia capabilities. Its relationship with Berklee College of Music affords professional quality recording of events and concerts.

Renting the Berklee Performance Center

The 1,215 seat Berklee Performance Center is available to rent for performances and other events. An average event costs between $10,000–$15,000. See Rate Card in Appendix A for details. Licensee(s) agree to follow Berklee’s Equity Policy, as detailed in Appendix F.

Berklee Performance Center Base Rental Rates Include:

  • Use of Theater, lobby, and dressing rooms for the contracted time period
  • A maximum of a three-hour audience event
  • A stage manager for up to 10 hours
  • A house manager for up to five hours
  • Use of theater’s in-house concert lighting system
  • Use of theater’s in-house sound system
  • Use of house piano (tuning not included)
  • Use of theater’s available platforms, chairs, music stands, and tables

Placing Holds on the Calendar 

Interior of the Berklee Performance Center, getting prepped for a show.

The Berklee Performance Center will make every effort to provide rental customers with the specific dates they need to make their event a success. In cases where two or more customers wish to book the same date, the following policies and procedures will govern how the Berklee Performance Center will “hold” dates and allow customers to “challenge” dates that have been previously placed on hold.

Placing a “Hold” on a Date

All first-time renters of the BPC are required to complete an application before any holds are placed. Submissions will be acknowledged within 72 hours. No dates can be held until the rental application is approved.

Holds may be placed on any available date (up to one year in advance.) Any hold on the calendar more than one year in advance will be considered tentative until the one-year mark.

If you are the first to request a date you will be given the “first hold” for that date. This gives you the first right of refusal and we will not sell that date to another party without first contacting you and giving you an opportunity to confirm by paying a hall rental deposit.

If a hold(s) already exists on a date, we will line up holds in number order—second hold, third hold, etc. This gives you the option to “challenge” the holds in front of you should you wish to confirm the date.

Holds Policy

Promoters are encouraged to release holds that are no longer active. We will hold your date(s) at no cost until:

  • Another party “challenges” your hold. At this time, we will notify you by phone and/or email that your date has been challenged. You will then have 48 hours (two business days) to release your hold or confirm it by paying a hall rental deposit. If we don’t hear back from you within 48 hours, your hold will be released without further notice.
  • Sixty (60) calendar days prior to the hold date. At that time, you will be required to execute a contract for your date(s) and provide full payment for all deposits and advance fees. Contracts and deposits must be returned within seven (7) calendar days.

Challenging a “Hold”

Notify your booking representative if you wish to challenge a date being held by another party. Challenges may be subject to a $2,300 challenge deposit.

The other party will have 48 hours (two business days) from the time they are notified to confirm the date and pay the hall rental deposit. Should the party release the date or not meet the 48-hour deadline, the date will be yours (under the provisions of the hall rental contract.)

Some college holds are not challengeable, or the challenge may take longer than 48 business hours.

At this time, you will be required to sign a hall rental contract and pay the non-refundable, non-transferable hall rental deposit within 48 hours. Please note: If you challenge a date and get it, you have purchased that date. Do not challenge until you are sure you are prepared to confirm and pay the hall rental deposit.

Deposit Requirements

A deposit (inclusive of any challenge deposit already on account) in the amount of the full base rental fee must be received from the licensee with the executed rental agreement.

All deposits must be made by company check, money order, or certified bank check unless special arrangements are made in advance. Bounced deposit checks will result in the immediate release of a date and the customer will be responsible for a $100.00 returned check service fee.

The balance of estimated labor, rental, and miscellaneous charges will be due seven (7) days prior to the event if charges are not covered by advance ticket sales. Payments must be made by money order or certified bank check unless special arrangements are made in advance. Bounced deposit checks will result in the immediate release of a date.

Insurance Requirements

Rental users shall maintain in effect at all times during the period of use pursuant to the rental agreement and at its own expense a policy of Comprehensive General Liability insurance, which includes but is not limited to Blanket Contractual Liability, Personal Injury Liability and Independent Contractors Liability with Bodily Injury and Property Damage limits of liability of at least $2,000,000 combined single limit and name “Berklee College of Music, Inc.,” its agents, trustees, servants, students, and employees as an additional insured with respect to any liability arising out of the use of The Berklee Performance Center and any other premises or facility owned, operated, or provided by the college. Rental users must provide the Berklee Performance Center with proof of insurance no later than seven (7) days prior to an engagement.

It is agreed that the following minimum requirements are also made part of this agreement:

  • Rental users shall also provide evidence of statutory Workers Compensation and Employer’s Liability coverage and Owned, Hired, and Non-Owned Auto Liability coverage with a minimum BI and PD combined single limit of $300,000 per occurrence.
  • All proposed insurance providers must be licensed in Massachusetts and have an A.M. Best’s rating of at least an “A”.
  • It is agreed, to the extent that the rental user is liable for any injury or damage, the insurance afforded by the rental user will be considered “Primary” insurance as to any other valid and collectable insurance in force.

The Berklee Performance Center reserves the right to refuse access to the venue until proof of insurance as described above is received.

Event Cancellations

Events that are cancelled after a rental agreement has been signed will forfeit their deposit. Should the event be postponed to another date, a $1,000.00 reschedule fee, along with any recoupable costs, will be charged against the initial deposit. An event is considered cancelled if all tickets purchased are refunded and/or a rescheduled date is not provided within 48 hours of cancellation.

Licensing Fees and Royalties

Tenant agrees to pay when due all royalties, license fees, or other charges accruing or becoming due to any firm, person, or corporation by reason of any music either live or recorded, or other entertainment of any kind or nature, played, staged, or produced by the tenant, its agents, employees, subtenants or licensees upon or within the premises covered by this rental agreement, including but not limited to royalties or licensing fees due to BMI, ASCAP, or SESAC.

Responsibility for Withholding Taxes on Performers

A band performing with guitars, bass, and drums on stage at the Berklee Performance Center.

Licensee is charged with withholding responsibilities under Directive 05-4: Performer Withholding Thresholds, as issued by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. This directive addresses withholding requirements on payments made to performers. See Appendix B for details. 

Performer Behavior

  • Nudity on stage or as part of the performance is prohibited without advance written permission from your booking representative.
  • Animals are not permitted in the theater and cannot be part of the performance. Service animals excluded.
  • Lewd acts in the presence of venue staff or patrons are prohibited.
  • Performers must not incite the crowd to rush the stage, dance in the aisles, climb on the stage, crowd surf, or engage in any other behavior that breaks hall policies and/or creates an unsafe environment in or around the venue.
  • Abusive behavior toward patrons or venue staff will not be tolerated.

House Capacity

Please see Appendix C for an explanation of seat holds and a seat chart.

Orchestra: 732 seats
Balcony:483 seats
Total Seats:   1215 seats

Fire and Safety Requirements

Safety of venue patrons and staff is of paramount importance. The minimum standards stated below shall apply to all events, public or private.

  • Exits: No sets, equipment, or other impediments shall interfere in any way with access to any required exit or with the visibility of any required exit sign. Exits and corridors leading to these exits shall remain unlocked and free from obstruction at all times.
  • Aisles and pathways: All public aisles and pathways must be clear of any obstructions.
  • Firefighting Equipment: All fire hoses, fire extinguishers, manual pull stations, and any other fire protection equipment shall be visible and accessible at all times.
  • The Berklee Performance Center prohibits smoking anywhere inside the building, both backstage and front of house. Berklee College of Music also prohibits smoking outside the building, within 25 feet of an openable door or window. This policy includes the use of electronic cigarettes.
  • All soft goods (sets, banners, backdrops, decorative materials) must comply with Boston fireproofing standards and must be approved by the Boston Chemist’s Office. Samples of materials must be submitted to the City, along with an application, at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. Certificate must be presented to the Director for Production before any materials can be set up in the theater. Boston Chemist Office application is included in the technical package. Contact the director for production for further details.
  • Pyrotechnics are not permitted in the theater. 

Accessibility Policies and Services

The first floor (orchestra level) of the Berklee Performance Center is accessible to people with mobility impairments. There are no steps from the sidewalk in front of the building to the orchestra level inside the theater. The Balcony sections of the theater can only be accessed using a staircase. There is no elevator or escalator in the building.

The theater stage is accessible from the stage door entrance on St. Cecilia Street; however, the backstage area (green room, dressing rooms, rest rooms) can only be accessed using a staircase. With advance notice, alternate accommodations may be arranged by contacting venue management.

Assistive listening devices are available and can be obtained from the house manager. There is no charge to use these devices; however, a photo ID is required as collateral and will be returned when the devices are turned in at the end of the event.

The Licensee is responsible for communicating to its patrons the Berklee Performance Center’s accommodations for those with accessible needs. 

Security and Access Personnel

Shot of the audience at a Berklee Performance Center show, displaying a full-house.

The Berklee Performance Center, at its sole discretion, has the right to determine the size and composition of security and access personnel (door guards) required for an event. The theater will provide a combination of police officers, uniformed security officers, and student employees who guard emergency exit doors and doors leading backstage. The cost of all security will be the responsibility of the licensee. It is the licensee’s responsibility to inform your booking representative and/or house manager of any security concerns associated with the event. 

Bag Checks

Patrons are discouraged from bringing large items into the theater. All bags, music cases, and parcels entering the theater are subject to search and must be small enough to fit in a patron’s lap. Items deemed dangerous or in violation of house or event policies will be confiscated or refused entry. Prohibited items are listed on our Security and Bag Policy page.

Merchandise Sales and VIP Experiences

The Berklee Performance Center will be paid a commission of 10 percent of gross receipts for all CDs and Blu Rays/DVDs and 25 percent of gross receipts for all other merchandise sold in the theater. It is the Licensee’s responsibility to negotiate on behalf of the venue (BPC) for such a commission. The licensee will be charged this commission if they do not secure it from the artist for payment to the theater. The BPC will not deduct or collect taxes for any sales, and is the responsibility of the entity responsible for merchandise to pay applicable state taxes.

Merchandise may only be sold at locations designated by the Berklee Performance Center. Berklee can provide a seller at cost with a four-hour minimum. Please contact your booking representative at least two weeks before your event to discuss all merchandising arrangements and details.

Solicitations of donations are prohibited without prior written consent from Berklee College of Music.

VIP Experiences are subject to approval from the Berklee Performance Center. If they are organized by third-party vendors, the BPC charges a management fee of $400. This allows for an event that starts two hours prior to curtain or less, and takes place in the theater lobby with a maximum of 80 people. If an event is earlier than two hours prior to showtime, costs will increase. The promoter or approved third party must advance details of the VIP experience no later than two weeks prior to the show, or face additional fees.

Reception Space: The William Davis Room

The William Davis room.

Accessible from the lobby of the Berklee Performance Center, the William Davis Room is available for small receptions and meetings. Capacity for a reception-style set-up is 50 people. Its location provides restricted access for optimum privacy. Features include:

  • flexible set-up capabilities (boardroom, classroom, reception, office [shown])
  • bar and buffet facilities (in-house catering required)
  • private restroom facilities

Contact your booking representative for details, rates, and availability.


A basic hall cleaning is included as part of the base rental fee of the theater. This covers the cost of cleaning the auditorium, lobbies, public restrooms, and dressing rooms (to Berklee specifications.) Any excessive clean-up will be charged back to the licensee as an additional clean-up fee. Venue management will determine “excessive clean-up” needs.

The BPC does not allow anything to be nailed, stapled, taped, or otherwise affixed to the walls, doors, seats, and floor coverings without prior approval from management.

Please note: Helium balloons, confetti, and glitter are not allowed in the building. Stickers and adhesive-backed decals are not to be given out in or around the building.

Ticketing Services

The Berklee Performance Center Box Office is open Monday–Friday, 12:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m., during the fall and spring semesters, and reduced hours during the summer semester and in between semesters. Additionally, on performance days we open two hours before the scheduled start time of the performance and up to one hour after the scheduled start time of the event. Requests must be made in writing a minimum of fourteen (14) days in advance should a renter wish to have extended box office hours (day of event only). Additional charges would apply.

Tickets for all public ticketed events held at the Berklee Performance Center and other Berklee College of Music performance venues must be made available for sale exclusively through the college’s ticketing vendor, Etix. Licensee may not advertise ticket sales through any other vendor or agency without prior written approval from the Berklee Performance Center. We offer up to four base prices and have suggested price scaling for our theater.

Set-up, Ticket Management, and Settlement

Event set-up and inventory management for all venues is coordinated by the senior ticket operations and patron services manager. The BPC is a small venue and sells best with up to four ticket prices. We do not offer more than four base ticket prices, to best serve your event. Unless other arrangements have been made, a Berklee representative will be available to do a preliminary settlement of your event approximately one hour into show time. A final settlement will begin the following business day. A check or wire for net ticket sales will be sent after the final event settlement report is signed by licensee and received by lessor. See Appendix C for map and standard seat holds.

Please note: Everyone entering an event must have a ticket, regardless of age. This also applies to infants on laps, as well as members of the press or staff who want to stay and watch the show. You may choose to manage this through special ticket prices or comps.

Advance Sales

American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted. Licensee will not be charged back for uncollected credit card funds unless event is cancelled. There are two points of sale for advance tickets for the Berklee Performance Center:

  • Online: Berklee Performance Center: No other internet sites for ticket sales may appear in advertising. 
  • In person at the Berklee Performance Center Box Office. Cash, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted at the box office. 

Day of Show Sales

On event days, the Berklee Performance Center box office will observe normal business hours, and, regardless of the day or event time, will open approximately two (2) hours before show time.  

Ticket Fees

Credit Card Fees are charged to the licensee: Credit card sales are charged at 3.5% of the face value of each ticket that is purchased with a credit card. Berklee will collect these credit card charges from the licensee at settlement.

A convenience charge is added to the cost of all tickets sold through the internet. Convenience charges vary, based on ticket price. In addition, customers are charged a per-order handling fee for any tickets held at Will Call. Convenience charges and handling fees are collected by Berklee and Etix, and paid by the customer. Licensee is not responsible for these charges.

A Facility Fee of $3.00 per ticket sold (not including complimentary tickets) will be collected from the licensee at settlement. Typically, this fee is added to the face value of a ticket and is paid by the customer.

Licensee may elect to issue a number of complimentary tickets for the event. The price printed on these tickets will be $0.00. The box office will, at licensee request, hold a number of seats for this purpose and will print these tickets as needed. Complimentary tickets in excess of one hundred (100) are subject to a $0.50 printing charge as they are printed. Complimentary tickets may not under any circumstance be sold.

The box office may also, at its sole discretion, make available to licensee a limited number of tickets printed at cost for private sales and/or distribution (consignment tickets.) Up to 120 tickets may be taken as consignment. Licensee may not publicly advertise the sale or distribution of these tickets. Consignment tickets are subject to printing charges equaling $1.00 per ticket. The box office will not account for the value of these tickets. If licensee accepts payment for these tickets, they take full responsibility for the funds, and for refunding the value of these tickets to customers if the event is postponed or canceled. The facility fee for these tickets will be charged at settlement. Any additional consignment requests will be processed as a ticket sale to the licensee, with the cost equaling face value of each ticket. Consignment tickets can be returned to the system if returned 48 hours prior to the event. If consignment tickets are going to be returned, the deadline is the last business day before the show occurs.

For inventory control purposes, complimentary and consignment tickets will not be replaced if lost or stolen.

The Berklee Performance Center is allocated ten (10) house seats for all events at the venue. These seats are for the sole use of the BPC and are not to be included in the sellable capacity for an event. 

Third-Party Discount Ticket Companies

The Berklee Performance Center has accounts with select vendors to provide licensees with an opportunity to discount their tickets. No other third-party ticket discount sites may be used while leasing the venue. Any offers must be coordinated through the box office and placed under its account. Please discuss any discount ticket sale plans prior to signing a rental contract to avoid future issues.

Discounts and Coupons

The Berklee Performance Center is able to create for the licensee coupon codes to facilitate discounts it may want to offer ticket buyers. Coupon codes and their associated discounts should be simple and straightforward. Convoluted redemption rules tend to frustrate customers and reduce redemption rates. Discounts and coupons are subject to our ticket system’s abilities and limitations.

Expectation of Service

The box office manages tickets and sales for three venues and over 300 events a year. The box office team will work with you to ensure a successful event. Please note that requests are typically answered and handled within a two- to three-business day window. Extremely busy times of the year can affect response time. Licensee understands that access to the box office and its staff is not 24/7 and that lessor makes best efforts to respond to inquiries in a timely manner.

Stage and Technical Specifications

Performers playing on stage at the Berklee Performance Center.

The BPC director for production will help you make arrangements regarding load-in, lighting/sound requirements, and stage set-up. It is imperative that we know your technical needs well in advance in order to provide the proper personnel and equipment. Please contact the director for production to review your prospective technical rider(s) and to discuss technical requirements at least one month prior to your event. We, on a per-event basis, will determine all labor requirements for load-in/out, rehearsals, and performances. Labor is scheduled no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of your event. Licensee is billed for scheduled hours. Please see our full Tech Package.

For the protection of both the performers and the crew, the following rules are strictly enforced to ensure a clean and safe working environment.

  • All equipment brought into the Berklee Performance Center is subject to approval by the director for production. Berklee retains the right to take any action it deems necessary to rectify dangerous or unsafe equipment at licensee’s cost. Pyrotechnics of any kind—open flames, firearms, live explosives, flash pots—are not permitted. Lasers are not permitted without the written approval of the director for production. Strobe lights are only permitted with advance notice so that we may prepare appropriate signage and announcement to alert audience members.
  • The Berklee Performance Center is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is not permitted outside the fire exit door located in the green room. Smoking is permitted outside the stage door entrance on St. Cecilia Street. This policy includes the use of electronic cigarettes.
  • Any damage to the facility or equipment will be charged to your event.
  • Please keep children under close supervision at all times.
  • Storage space is not available before or after your event. All show materials and equipment must be promptly removed from the theater at the conclusion of your event. If equipment is not removed, the theater reserves the right to have the equipment removed at the licensee’s expense. 

Stage Dimensions


Proscenium Height25’0”
Proscenium Width27’5”
Stage DepthStage Extension7’0” (Plaster Line to Stage Lip)
Stage to Floor3’6” 

Note: Stage floor is wood covered in black Marley.

Equipment and Rentals

The director for production can assist you with ordering backline equipment. All equipment must be removed from the theater immediately after the performance. Anything left overnight may result in additional charges.

The Berklee Performance Center is not responsible for the loss or damage to any rental or vendor equipment.

Sound Level

The BPC enforces a strict 100db sound level maximum measured from the soundboard. As the licensee, you are obligated to enforce this policy and communicate it to the performers.

Dressing Rooms

The Berklee Performance Center has one large Green Room and two private single-user dressing rooms available for performers. Green Room amenities include tables, chairs, a couch, a refrigerator, coat rack, and an iron/ironing board/steamer. Please see the Technical Package for dressing room layout and dimensions.

The Green Room will accommodate 12 comfortably. The Green Room has a maximum capacity of 49 persons. The Berklee Performance Center reserves the right to limit and/or reduce this capacity at any time. If you have a larger group and would like additional dressing room facilities, please contact the director for production. In some cases, we are able to reserve and use classroom space in an adjoining building. 

Adjacent to the Green Room are small Men’s and Women’s restrooms. The Berklee Performance Center does not have shower or laundry facilities.


The Berklee Performance Center owns a 7-foot Yamaha grand piano. Rental and tuning can be arranged through the director for production. Rental of other pianos can also be arranged, with advance notice of six weeks. Rental, moving, and tuning expenses will be charged to the licensee.

Piano tuning is provided by qualified and authorized Berklee personnel. The director for production must approve all other piano tuners (in writing).


No packages or freight will be accepted prior to the contracted move-in date without prior consent and instructions from theater management. All shipments to and from the theater are the sole responsibility of the licensee.

All technical and equipment deliveries should be delivered to the stage door entrance on St. Cecilia Street. Prior arrangements must be made with director for production. Only commercial vehicles are permitted to park in the loading zone near the stage door. Vehicles without commercial license plates will be ticketed or towed (at licensee’s expense) by authorities. Lessor is not responsible for any parking tickets or towing fees as a result of licensee parking in the loading zone.

Parking Capacities: Trucks, Buses, and Cars

The Berklee Performance Center is in the heart of Boston and parking can be a challenge. There are several nearby garages that can accommodate automobiles. Details can be found on our Directions and Parking page. Trucks, buses, and automobiles used for performers and/or their equipment may park in the loading zone on St. Cecilia Street, but only if they have commercial license plates and the vehicle abides by posted signage. City of Boston will ticket vehicles in the loading zone. Berklee does not have exclusive rights to this loading zone, so parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. There is also bus and truck parking located on Huntington Avenue, near the reflection pool at the Christian Science Center. The city provides a bus parking map. Parking in front of the theater is not permitted.

The licensee is responsible for all parking tickets or towing fees incurred by the licensee or artist vehicles. No exceptions.
If you would like to “bag” parking meters surrounding the theater, the City of Boston now accepts online applications. A map of area meters and their identifying numbers in Appendix E.

Marketing Services

As the event licensee, you are responsible for promoting your event. Before creating any advertising or publicity materials, please ensure you have a signed contract with the artist(s) and the Berklee Performance Center.

For contracted, ticketed events open to the public, the Berklee Performance Center will:

  • Include your event on the Berklee Performance Center website. To be listed, you will need to provide a brief, concise description of the event and a high-resolution photo representing the artist or event. Please note that images containing text cannot be used on our website. 

  • Feature your event in BPC email campaigns to our 100,000+ subscribers, including Berklee students, faculty, and staff.  

  • Potentially promote your event through our social media channels. For more information, please contact Susan Scotti, Associate Director of Marketing & Communications, at

Please note: Non-ticketed, free, or private events may not be eligible for the above services.

All copy, including references to the Berklee Performance Center or Berklee College of Music, must be approved in advance. The theater should be referred to as the “Berklee Performance Center.” The college should be referred to as “Berklee College of Music.”

Signs, Posters, and Displays

Venue management must approve all interior displays, banners, and/or decorations in writing. All “soft goods” must be fireproof with a certificate of proof from the Boston Chemist’s Office. Contact the director for production for more details.

All display materials must be professionally produced. We are not permitted to post photocopies. The Berklee Performance Center reserves the right to reject any materials deemed inappropriate. Additional guidelines for lobby decorations may be found in our Decor/Prop Policy.

Concessions and Catering

Food and beverages are not permitted in the seating or lobby areas. 

All backstage catering is the sole responsibility of the licensee. Cooking, open flame, and flammable food warmers are not permitted on the premises. Placement of backstage catering cannot block exit doors or hallways. All catering must be cleaned up at the end of your event. Any food items left overnight will result in a cleaning charge.

Catering can be arranged (at licensee’s expense) through the college’s on-site caterer, Aramark. Contact the Aramark catering manager at for more information.

Audio/Video Policy and Services

A group of people seated within the Berklee Performance Center.

Special arrangements must be made for broadcasting, recording, televising, filming, or photography. Application should be made no later than 10 working days before performance. Rates available upon application. Please note, these set-ups may affect seat kills and reduce seating capacity, resulting in relocations or refunds if plans are not made prior to on-sale date.

Audio Recording

Events can be audio-recorded by Studio BPC, a state-of-the-art recording studio connected to the theater. Studio BPC is managed by the Music Production and Engineering Department at Berklee and it gives their students an opportunity to record and mix events. The tech specs and rate package are available upon request. Studio BPC rates do not include the origination fee for commercial or broadcast use of this material. That fee will be negotiated once your application is submitted detailing the use of the recording. This could be a good opportunity for performers who are interested in recording and releasing a live CD or a live radio broadcast.

Video Recording

On-site video production can be arranged through the Video Services Department. Events that are recorded by Berklee Video Services Department can also be live streamed on the internet through our provided vendor. The stream will not be archived.

Contact Reggie Lofton, Director of Video Services at, for rates and information.

General Information

Theater Address:
136 Massachusetts Ave.
Boston, MA 02115

Mailing Address:            
1108 Boylston Street, MS-136 BPC
Boston, MA 02115

Tel: (617) 747-2261 (box office)
Fax: (617) 375-9228
Backstage: (617) 747-2303
Touring Production Office: (617) 747-8641

Email Address:


Theatre Contacts

Cathy HornAssistant Vice President of Concert
Ryan JonesDirector of
Alejo PlanchartAssociate Director for
Ed LiberatoreProduction Manager /
Nicole KindredAssociate Director of Front of House
Elizabeth DaweAssociate Director of Special Programs (booking)
Elizabeth GuptillSenior House
Kelly BrennanSenior Ticket Operations/Patron Services
Jamie SalkindTicket Operations/Patron Services
Susan ScottiAssociate Director, Marketing and
Reggie LoftonDirector of Video

Appendix A

Performance Base Rental$2,300.00
Performance Base Rental - 2nd performance (same day)By request
No Audience Base Rental (rehearsal, photo shoot, etc.*)$1,800.00
Holiday Base Rental (federal holidays and New Year's Eve)$3,500.00
Load-In Day (labor not included, must book with performance)$850.00
Overtime Rental (hourly for events over 3 hours long**)$525.00
Davis Room Rental$100/hour
VIP Experience Package (up to 2 hours prior to curtain with security/staff)$400.00
Merchandise Commission

CDs/DVDs/Blu-Rays: 10%

All other: 25%

* Use of stage and green room only. Lobby and theatre seating closed. Max 10 Hours. 

** Does not include staff overtime charges.

Box Office Set-up Fee$540.00
Facility Fee$3.00 per ticket sold
Credit Card Fee3.5% of gross credit card sales
Consignment TicketsRequests in excess of 120 tickets will result in a printing fee of $1.00 per ticket.
Comp Ticket Printing FeeRequests in excess of 100 tickets will result in a printing fee of $0.50 per ticket.

Stage Manager
Minimum call – 1 person

10 hours included in contract; $40.00 per person/per hour after 10 hours

Audio Engineer
Minimum call – 1 person

$40.00 per person/per hour; minimum ten (10) hour call

Stage Crew
Minimum call – 4 people

$17.00* per person/per hour; minimum six (6) hour call

Stage Door Access Control
Minimum call – 1 person

$45.00 for first 10 hours, $60.00 for subsequent hours; minimum six (6) hour call

Uniformed Security
Minimum call – 1 person

$34.00 per person/per hour with a minimum 4 hours

House Manager
Call – 1 person

5 hours included in contract; $40.00 per person/per hour after 5 hours

Assistant House Manager
Call – 1 person

$25.00 per person/per hour with a minimum 5 hours. 

Average call - 14 people

$17.00* per person/per hour with a minimum 5 hours. Senior House Manager determines staffing needs

Box Office Manager 
Call – 1 person

5 hours included in contract; $40.00 per person/per hour after 5 hours

Box Office Clerks
2 people

5 hours included in contract; $17.00 per person/per hour after 5 hours 

Berklee Police

$55.00 per officer/per hour with a minimum 4 hours

Truck Loaders

$17.00* per person/per hour; minimum four (4) hour call

Projector Operator

$40.00 per person/per hour; minimum six (6) hour call

Merchandise Seller

Optional; Minimum call – 1 person

$17.00* per person/per hour; minimum four (4) hour call; 14 days' notice required

*Student employment rates change, typically each calendar year, and may be different at the time of your event.


House Sound*


Spots (2)*


Piano Tuning*


Additional Piano Tunings (per tuning)


Projector (per event; includes screen and operator)


Wireless Microphones (per microphone)


Wireless In-ear Monitors (per in-ear monitor)


Excessive Cleanup Fee

$40.00 per person/per hour

Video, Studio BPC, Marketing, Origination Fees

Fees available upon request

 *Optional – Will be provided and charged for unless notified at least seven days prior during production advance. 

Appendix B

Performer Tax Withholdings

The effective date for the Performer Withholding Program under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is January 1, 2006. Under the state program, the licensee must withhold taxes at the state individual tax rate (approximately 5.05%), on all performers or performing entities who earn taxable income connected with Massachusetts for performances (entertainment, educational, etc.) If the performer or performing entity earns taxable income, and later donates that income, a withholding should still occur on the payment. If the performer does not receive any income, then no withholding would be required.

Withholding may be waived for performers who are residents of Massachusetts and have paid all of their Massachusetts taxes to date, or for performers who are employees of the College. A waiver of withholding must be requested in advance of the performance on Form PWH-WW for non-employees (not required for employees.) This form must be submitted to DOR at least fourteen (14) business days in advance of the performance. After receipt of a Form PWH-WW, DOR will issue in advance of the performance a “Notice of Allowable Waiver” notifying the performer or performing entity as well as the withholding agent of the status of the waiver request.

A performer or performing entity may also request that payment to which the tax rate is applied be reduced by the expenses of the performer or performing entity. This request is made on a Form PWH-RW. Expenses that may reduce the payment to the performer or the performing entity for withholding purposes may include, for example, the costs for lodging, transportation, commissions, employee salaries that are already subject to Massachusetts withholding, per diem payments, (a daily allowance to employees for incidental expenses) and insurance. These expenses must be reasonable, documented, and submitted to DOR at least fourteen (14) business days in advance of the performance. After receipt of a Form PWH-RW, DOR will issue in advance of the performance a “Notice of Allowable Deductions” notifying the performer or performing entity as well as the withholding agent of the approved amount.

The following is Berklee College of Music information you will need for your tax forms:

Name of performer withholding agent: Berklee College of Music
Massachusetts Tax Registration Number: 042300472
Address: 1140 Boylston St., Boston, MA 02215 
Name of venue: Berklee Performance Center

PLEASE NOTE: Forms should be submitted to the Department of Revenue by email to, or by fax to 617-887-6589. 

Appendix C

Seat Holds

Below is a map of the BPC and our standard holds. 

Seating map of the Berklee Performance Center.
  • Accessible Hold/Kill (pink “3”) are held for patrons who stay in a wheelchair and need the extra space. If a patron buys an accessible seat and we do not need to reserve extra space for them, we release that seat for sale.
  • Accessible (dark green “U”) are seats that are on sale directly to patrons with accessible needs. These can be legally released to the general public ONLY IF all other seats are sold, per the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • House Holds (peach “h”) as per the contract, are our house seats and are not released for sale.
  • Tech Hold (purple “t”) are fully obstructed and typically used by the sound/light/video stage crew in the adjacent areas. On the main floor, we do not release these for sale until you have directly spoken with our production team about what sound and lighting boards you plan to use. Most outside soundboards will obstruct views from these seats. Mezzanine tech holds will not be released.

Please note – once any seating holds are released and sold to patrons, you may not recall them. We will not relocate patrons once they have purchased tickets.

Appendix D

Fees the Customer Pays for Online Purchases



$0.01 - $5



$5.01 - $9.99


$10 - $19.99



$20 - $34.99


$35 - $44.99



$45 - $64.99


$65 - $74.99



$75 - $99.99


$100 +


15% (rounded up to $0.50)

Appendix E

View the PDF of the city's bus parking map.

Meter Map

Below is an area map with meters and their numbers.

Map of area parking meters and their numbers.

Appendix F

Berklee’s Equity Policy

This policy prohibits acts of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct, including, but not limited to, sexual assault or harassment, domestic/dating violence, and stalking. Such acts undermine Berklee’s community values and are strictly prohibited. This policy and the institution’s commitment to fostering a safe, supportive, and diverse climate is a fundamental part of a Berklee community where all can study, live, and work together in an environment of equal opportunity, inclusiveness, and mutual respect.

Berklee adheres to all federal and state civil rights laws barring discrimination, including, but not limited to, Title IX and Title VI of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, and the Massachusetts Equal Rights Law. Berklee is committed not only to compliance with these mandates, but to promoting a culture that is in line with the values these civil rights laws envision. To that end, the Equity Policy and Process is intended to address and resolve complaints involving any legally protected characteristic. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities and Berklee has developed policies and procedures that prohibit such sex discrimination in all of its forms. Some sections of this policy focus on sex- and gender-based harassment, but this policy and related procedures apply equally to all forms of harassment based on a protected characteristic.

Specifically, this policy and process prohibits and addresses discrimination and harassment based on age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression/identity, genetic information, marital status, mental illness, military/veteran status, national and ethnic origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, or any other characteristic protected by law (collectively referred to as “protected characteristics”), whether that characteristic is actual or perceived.