Directed Study/Special Section Listings for Summer/Fall 2020
Directed Study Faculty—Professional Writing and Music Technology Division
Summer 2020
CM-398: Directed Study in Composition 1
Larry Bell
Brian Buch
Tamar Diesendruck
Anne Goldberg-Baldwin
Dennis Leclaire
Rosey Lee
Yoon-Ji Lee
Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Elena Lucas
Joo Mi Park
Gabriele Vanoni
Skip Witmyer
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-399: Directed Study in Electronic Composition
Gabriele C. Vanoni
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-497: Directed Study in Composition 2
Larry Bell
Brian Buch
Tamar Diesendruck
Anne Goldberg-Baldwin
Dennis Leclaire
Rosey Lee
Yoon-Ji Lee
Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Elena Lucas
Joo Mi Park
Gabriele Vanoni
Skip Witmyer
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-498: Directed Study in Composition 3
Larry Bell
Tamar Diesendruck
Dennis Leclaire
Rosey Lee
Yoon-Ji Lee
Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Gabriele Vanoni
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-499: Directed Study in Jazz Composition
Gregory Hopkins
Bob Pilkington
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
COND-498: Directed Study in Conducting
Michael Barrett
Orlando Cela
Tiffany Chang
Peter Cokkinias
Genevieve Leclair
Jeffrey Means
George Monseur
Valerie Taylor
Julius Williams
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CW-498: Directed Study in Contemporary Writing and Production
Kurt Biederwolf
Joseph Carrier
Michael Farquharson
Daniel McIntyre
Daniel Moretti
Renato Milone
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
SW-398: Directed Study in Songwriting
Jon Aldrich
Rodney Alejandro
Paula Gallitano
Christopher North
George Woods
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
Fall 2020
CM-398: Directed Study in Composition 1
Eleanor Aversa
Larry T. Bell
Brian P. Buch
Alla E. Cohen
Beth B. Denisch
Tamar C. Diesendruck
Marti J. Epstein
Scott M. Fessler
Gregory T. Glancey
Anne H. Goldberg-Baldwin
Alexandros Kalogeras
Rosey M. Lee
Yoon-Ji Lee
Thomas A. LeVines
Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Andrew List
Elena I. Lucas
Margaret C. McAllister
Francine G. Trester
Gabriele C. Vanoni
Michael H. Weinstein
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-399: Directed Study in Electronic Composition
Derek Hurst
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-497: Directed Study in Composition 2
Eleanor Aversa
Larry T. Bell
Alla E. Cohen
Tamar C. Diesendruck
Marti J. Epstein
Scott M. Fessler
Arnold Friedman
Gregory T. Glancey
Anne H. Goldberg-Baldwin
Derek Hurst
Alexandros Kalogeras
Dennis J. Leclaire
Rosey M. Lee
Andrew List
Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Margaret C. McAllister
Apostolos Paraskevas
Joo Mi Park
Francine G. Trester
Gabriele C. Vanoni
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-498: Directed Study in Compostion 3
Eleanor Aversa
Larry T. Bell
Alla E. Cohen
Beth B. Denisch
Tamar C. Diesendruck
Marti J. Epstein
Arnold Friedman
Anne H. Goldberg-Baldwin
Derek Hurst
Alexandros Kalogeras
Dennis J. Leclaire
Thomas A. LeVines
Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Andrew List
Elena I. Lucas
Apostolos Paraskevas
Michael H. Weinstein
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CM-499: Directed Study in Jazz Composition
Charles H. Free
Gregory J. Hopkins
Ayn E. Inserto
Robert P. Pilkington
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
COND-498: Directed Study in Conducting
Michael R. Barrett
Orlando Cela
Peter L. Cokkinias
Irina P. Georgieva
Genevieve Leclair
George A. Monseur
Francisco Noya
Eric D. Stern
Louis C. Stewart
Julius P. Williams
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
CW-498: Directed Study in Contemporary Writing and Production
Kurt J. Biederwolf
Joseph F. Carrier
Ady C. Cohen
William F. Elliott
Michael Farquharson
Christina M. Fisher
Gerald E. Gates
Daniel J. McIntyre
Renato Milone
Simone Scazzocchio
Loudon Y. Stearns
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
ME-498: Directed Study in Music Education
Elizabeth L. Allison
Jarritt A. Sheel
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
PS-498: Directed Study in Improvisation
Matthew S. Glaser
David A. Hollender
Gregory Liszt
Bruce C. Molsky
Marco Pignataro
Marcus Rojas
David N. Santoro
Simon H. Shaheen
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
SW-398: Directed Study in Songwriting
Jon D. Aldrich
Rodney Alejandro
Erin K. Barra-Jean
Sarah Brindell
Ben P. Camp
Erin B. Chase
Paula M. Gallitano
Scarlet V. Keys
Christopher R. North
Jonathan W. Perkins
Eric Roberson
Mark A. Simos
George M. Woods
Note: see the instructor in the first week to establish meeting times.
SW-499: Directed Study in Musical Theater Writing
David Reiffel
Special Section Listings
Summer 2020
MP-385: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
MP-441: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
MP-475: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
MP-440: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
MTEC-420: Sections 001 and 002, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
Fall 2020
MP-385: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
MP-440: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
MP-441: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
MP-475: All sections, note: this course meets every other week for four hours.
PSPC-341: All sections, note: the Thursday meeting meets every other week for four hours.